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What Makes Caviar an Incomparable Skincare Investment

What Makes Caviar an Incomparable Skincare Investment

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Mature skin can feel challenging to deal with, especially when medications, aging-related diseases, and lifestyle habits compound dryness, dehydration, and other visible symptoms of aging. As we are living longer, to live happily we need to embrace the aging process. However you decide to age - whether you opt for cosmetic treatments or favor a more natural, holistic approach, we're here to encourage and support you. You can own your aging journey by investing in your skincare health and wellness. Being wise in how you approach your self-care regimen is a worthwhile skin-vestment towards aging gracefully. This begins with choosing products with Caviar and other proven actives that actually work instead of following the hype. When combined with a healthy lifestyle, you will feel more comfortable and confident in your skin and body during the golden years to come. Taking the time to understand what your aging skin is going through will help you separate fact from fiction, to compensate for the progressive slowing down of natural processes that cause skin to become dry, dull, and devitalized.

Challenges of Mature Skin
Young skin has a rapid cellular turnover rate, with a fast metabolism and abundant energy that promote quick renewal and repair. It also has ample production of hyaluronic acid and natural oils that keep skin hydrated and luminous. But, as we age, the normal process slows down, causing slower production of collagen, elastin, saccharides, and fibroblasts that provide structure, elasticity, moisture, and plumpness. As these vital structural skin components diminish, dryness, dehydration, lines, wrinkles, skin thinning, and sagging appear. Additional challenges of mature skin include itching, discoloration or a mottled appearance, and bruising easily.

Collagen is the structural protein that provides support and strength to the skin. But, starting around the mid-20s, we lose approximately 1% of our collagen annually, which hardens and breaks down due to factors like glycation and crosslinking.

  • Glycation occurs through normal metabolism, aging, and a high-sugar diet that involves browning foods, which modifies sugars, destroys enzymes, and triggers inflammation – a precursor of aging. When blood sugar is glycated and forms excess AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products), it causes naturally occurring sugars to clump up, absorb water, and dry out collagen. This causes it to become brittle and break, reducing the stability and structure of the skin. Once AGEs bind to the collagen, crosslinking is irreversible and unresponsive to the skin’s natural enzymatic activity.
  • Crosslinking occurs when chemical bridges form between proteins, which hardens collagen and reduces elasticity, leaving tissues prone to tearing or cracking. Fibers intertwine, forming bunches or “nuts” under the skin. As they grow in both size and number, the support system collapses, causing deep wrinkles throughout the dermis and volume loss. The capillaries also break down, decreasing skin oxygenation and nutrition, leading to further structural breakdown and dermal thinning.

Elastin, another natural protein in our skin that gives our skin its ability to snap back, stretches, and begins to have less spring as we age. Due to the combined collagen and elastin loss, skin cannot withstand gravity.

Natural structural sugars (saccharides or glycosaminoglycans), which normally keep the skin layers hydrated, flexible, plump, and nourished, diminish with age. This creates a chain reaction of moisture loss and network collapse, inhibiting nutritional exchange and biological processes and resulting in dermal atrophy, lines, wrinkles, and loose, sagging skin.

Extrinsic aging occurs due to external factors like pollution, toxins, and sun damage that inflict damage upon the skin. Unhealthy lifestyle choices like poor diets, smoking, excess alcohol intake, sunbathing, and inadequate exercise and rest cause our skin and health problems to increase. The good news is that you have control over these causes of aging. However, as age increases, those that didn’t follow a preventive skincare routine or take precautions against the sun are especially susceptible to more symptoms of aging and various skin cancers.

Intrinsic aging arises from within us due to changes in our genes, hormones, and physiology, which influence the normal aging process. As inflammatory signals and genetic mutations increase and hormones decrease, this sets the stage for aging to progress.

Additional factors that exacerbate mature skin issues:

  • Inadequate sleep that comes with age also takes a toll. As our body repairs itself during the sleep cycle, sleeping seven to ten hours is imperative to stay wrinkle-free. 
  • Stress initiates free radical damage and other processes that contribute to wrinkle-causing collagen breakdown.
  • Other free-radical exposure negatively impacts the complexion.
  • Medical conditions and other abnormal processes. 
  • Fat loss beneath the skin’s surface leads to a hollowed-out look.

With these multiple factors involved, your skin requires a skincare powerhouse to counteract each of these processes to effectively turn things around. Enter Caviar Extract, stage left!

What Is Caviar Extract?
Caviar Extract is sourced from a type of fish egg, also called roe, that comes from the black sturgeon. In addition to being a true culinary delicacy, the benefits of Caviar Extract go beyond delighting palates to impressing users of skincare products that contain this luxurious ingredient. Historically recognized as one of the most pro-aging and repairing ingredients for mature skin, Caviar contains potent nutritive substances that early civilizations called “Vitellus” from the Latin “vita,” meaning “Life.” Understandably so since it contains all the constituents necessary to breathe life back into tired-looking skin.

Benefits of Caviar for Skin
Caviar is one of the best revitalizing skincare ingredients to help you stay looking as young as you feel! What makes Caviar different from other skincare actives is that it increases the skin’s energy and metabolism while providing additional pro-aging benefits.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), known as the energy currency of life, is uniquely equipped to compensate for the progressive slowing down of skin metabolism and energy mature skin experiences. This superstar active has recently gained cult-like attention for what we have known all along: the ATP in Caviar enhances your skin’s natural ATP levels and fibroblast activity, increasing energy and tissue regeneration, essential for Collagen production, healthy skin repair, and functioning. Caviar Extract is exceptionally nutrient-rich, containing almost all essential amino acids, minerals (oligoelements), phospholipids, and multiple vitamins which moisturize, oxygenate, and rejuvenate aging skin. It also boosts cellular metabolism and repair mechanisms to protect and reinforce the skin barrier.

Amino Acids: These propeptides are building blocks that are small enough to absorb into the skin, promoting collagen production and better elasticity that diminish over time. The most prominent are glutamic acid, glycine, and leucine, followed by serine, threonine, and valine. As the amino acids in Caviar are the same as we have within our bodies, they are highly compatible and able to penetrate deeply to achieve supple, revitalized skin. Some of these amino acids moisturize and slow the breakdown of skin, truly changing complexions.

Minerals: Caviar is rich in oligoelements that help give skin a renewed lease on life. This includes the following minerals that shock the skin cells with good energy, encouraging cell turnover and creating healthy, refreshed skin:

  • Iron increases oxygen utilization, making it essential for the skin and body, enabling it to be transported and keep cells healthy. 
  • Magnesium activates enzymatic metabolism and is responsible for DNA replication. Magnesium also promotes conversion of GLA to DGLA, a substance that fights inflammation, a prime cause of aging. 
  •   Phosphorous promotes increased energy and is needed by DNA for cellular growth and reproduction. It improves all processes and is an integral part of ATP and ADP (adenosine diphosphate) production, essential to energy in all living cells and youthful-looking skin.
  •   Copper supports collagen formation and blood vessels, which are crucial for optimal skin health. It also promotes consistent pigmentation for more even skin tone.

Phospholipids: Phospholipids in Caviar are integral for cellular health and regeneration, strengthening cell membranes and the skin’s protective barrier for healthy, moisturized skin.

Vitamins: Caviar contains 17 vitamins that provide skin with the most important antioxidants (Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and D) to fight free radical damage, a prime cause of visible signs of aging.

  • Vitamin A is exceptionally rejuvenating. It regulates DNA, increases collagen and elastin formation, and reduces excess pigmentation to revitalize mature skin. 
  • Vitamin B1 fights stress, reduces the effects of aging, enhances circulation, detoxifies, and assists in energy production. Used in the biosynthesis of cell constituents, including acetylcholine, it can aid the absorption of other vitamins. 
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is a water-soluble antioxidant essential for normal reproduction, growth, repair, and development of healthy skin. It is needed to process amino acids and fats, activate B6 and folic acid, and support energy production. It prevents and cares for acne, acne rosacea, dermatitis, and eczema skin conditions and helps speed skin repair.
  • Vitamin B6 inhibits aging as it helps metabolize proteins, sugars, and fatty acids, helping support optimal immunity.
  • Vitamin D is a powerful, fat-soluble antioxidant that regulates fibroblast growth factor 23, which is involved with aging. It plays a role in cell metabolism and renewal, protects against premature aging and UV damage, and enhances the absorption of Vitamins A and C.

Fatty Acids: Moisturizing Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids help promote smoother skin texture, improving luminosity.

What Produces Caviar Excellence?
At Pevonia, what makes Caviar unique is our extremely meticulous micro-éclatage extraction procedure that maintains all of Caviar’s properties to ensure this nutrient-rich active’s effectiveness. While éclatage means “to blast” in French, it is a delicate process wherein our scientists place the Caviar eggs into a high-tech centrifuge that slowly spins and grinds to avoid friction-related heating. This frees the intracellular material from the outer membrane of the roe, which is collected, concentrated, and combined with our advanced delivery systems. This extensive process produces the highest quality serums and moisturizers that take full advantage of Caviar’s benefits for the skin and body, providing cumulative visible results. The inherent scarcity and necessary extensive extraction process make this powerful active and the natural skin care products that contain it more expensive. But the phenomenal pro-aging results it delivers make it worth every ounce.

This collection, combined with the professional in-spa Myoxy-Caviar® Treatments, was put to the test by estheticians and illustrious spas worldwide, who’ve given it their stamp of approval for managing visibly aging skin or as preventative care. Confirming their sentiment, our Caviar is data backed by clinical statistics. The Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia, Italy, performed an 8-week clinical study of women between the ages of 40-60 who used the Myoxy-Caviar® Timeless Collection.

Here are the impressive outcomes that validate its worthiness:

  • 100% Effective & Well Tolerated
  • 59% Improved Hydration
  • 50% Improved Firmness
  • 50% Improved Elasticity
  • 39% Reduced Wrinkle Breadth

Caviar can be found in our Myoxy-Caviar® Line, which includes the best natural face cleanser for aging skin, alcohol-free toner, natural eye cream for dark circles and crow’s feet, rejuvenating serum, and the best skin care cream for aging concerns. It is also utilized in the Intensifier - Collagen & Myoxy-Caviar®.

For an extra dose of Caviar, schedule one of the following in-spa treatments with a Pevonia provider near you: Pevonia’s Myoxy-Caviar® Mask Treatment, SkinFit Myoxy-Caviar® Mask Treatment for Him, Escutox® Freeze-Dried Anti-Wrinkle Treatment, Luminous Skin & Smoothed Wrinkles Treatment, or a Collagen & Caviar Hand and Foot Treatments.

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