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The Impact of Living a Grateful Life

The Impact of Living a Grateful Life

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Living a grateful life can significantly impact the quality of life for those who practice it and others. But what does it mean to live in gratitude? Living in gratitude is having an appreciative and thankful view of the people, places, and things in the world around you. But it is one thing to think about it and another thing entirely to act on it. Read on to discover how to live a life of gratitude and experience its positive effects.

Benefits of Gratitude
Mindful thankfulness has been shown to boost spirit, increase happiness, and enhance overall health. Beyond water, air, and food, gratitude has a lasting positive impact that could make it the next essential nutrient for producing a vital, meaningful life. The benefits of gratitude on the brain of the person who practices it are exceptionally powerful. It enhances moods, immunity, and sleep, can diminish anxiety, stress, depression, and chronic pain, and even decrease the risk of disease. The benefits of gratitude on mental health are further proven in studies that indicate it triggers our hypothalamus to release dopamine, rewiring our brain and impacting how we think and feel. As our own mental health and self-esteem improve, we are able to feel more satisfied with our relationships and connected with the world. As this level of satisfaction increases, it enhances gratitude, creating a positive cycle. Perhaps that is why people who are rooted in gratitude have better resolve to withstand whatever curveballs life throws their way.

Expressing gratitude triggers the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone” emitted when a mother gives birth to a child, creating a bond between people. This attitude of gratitude doesn’t stop with the person who expresses it! It extends to those whose lives you touch by telling and showing them how thankful you are for something they’ve done or for simply being who they are. This attitude can be transmitted or “caught” like a virus, as one person shares this positive vibe with the next person, and so on, and so forth. And it isn’t just your personal relationships that are improved. There are benefits of gratitude in the workplace, as well, as it increases engagement and productivity. When companies recognize their employees, it boosts morale, motivation, and connection, breeding satisfaction and willing reciprocity and retention. Even learning of other people's acts of kindness and showing thanks for others can make us feel good and inclined to do the same.

Tips on How to Live in Gratitude
How to live a thankful life isn’t always easy when faced with reality. It takes practice to focus on the good things in our lives. Beyond recalling grateful experiences, here are some simple ideas on how to live a life of gratitude:

  1. Write a gratitude letter to your parents, favorite coaches, teachers, or mentors who guided and inspired you to become the person you are today. Writing gratitude letters is proven to stimulate the reward area of our brains and encourage us to improve others’ lives further.
  2. Visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while who has always been there for you. Or pick up the phone and give them a call to let them know how much you value their friendship.
  3. Stop to appreciate the beauty of a flower or a clear sky. Show Mother Earth how much you value the plants, animals, and sea by picking up trash at a local park, fostering or volunteering at a local animal shelter, or making donations to charities that support our flora and fauna.
  4. When you wake up in the morning alive and well, think about the members of the military who help ensure our safety. Consider giving back to the worthwhile charities dedicated to improving the lives of our veterans.
  5. Hold the door open for someone or give a compliment.
  6. Do anonymous acts of kindness.
  7. Use your imagination to think of other acts of thanks and giving back that are meaningful to you and commit to showing your appreciation.
  8. Be grateful for your health - beginning with being thankful for being alive. This includes being grateful for having healthy skin, bodies, and minds. Acknowledging your abilities is another way to feel gratitude.
  9. Think about the storms you have endured and the lessons learned, and be thankful for coming out on the other side and the knowledge you gained. Share your experience with another who is going through a similar trial, and offer them your strength and hope.
  10. Practice gratitude towards yourself with daily self-care. Show your skin and body your appreciation with healthier living. Here’s how:
  11. Mindfully cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser, apply a natural skin care serum, and massage in a clean skincare moisturizer good for you and the planet to thank your skin for protecting you against environmental aggressors.
  12. Eating a balanced diet with a healthful approach (no “should-ing” allowed) is a splendid way to practice gratitude for your body.
  13. Celebrate all that your body can still do with exercise. Exercise may seem like a “have-to,” but when you think of it in terms of “get-to,” getting moving is a powerful way to acknowledge your body.
  14. Reward your muscles with a relaxing bath with natural bath salts, and a self-care massage with our Anti Stress Massage Oil, Tension Relief Gel, and Marine Magnesium. If you are up for it, give your partner a massage to thank them for all they do.
  15. Write a gratitude list. For tips on how to write a gratitude list, check out our blog: Joyful Gratitude - What’s on Your Gratitude List.

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