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The Anti-Aging Backlash

The Anti-Aging Backlash

Pevonia Marketing Pevonia Marketing

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Obsessed with defying aging? You are certainly not alone. But if you have a contentious relationship with your skin and the lines you see unfolding before (and around) your eyes, you can rest a little easier: There is a new beauty sheriff in town cracking down on those who continue to promote anti-aging and running them out of town. It's about time! Anti-aging has fallen out of favor lately. In response, mindful advertisers and brands are moving away from insensitive messaging and omitting references to aging skin that dismiss the natural and inevitable process. The new emphasis is on refreshing the skin, keeping the skin barrier healthy, and maintaining a glow, with words like bounce, moisturize, plump, protect, and rejuvenate. However, if the phrase “Age is beautiful” sticks in your throat, changing your mindset is the perfect partner for improving your skin's appearance while revamping the aging conversation.

Pro Aging Vs. Anti Aging
First, what is pro aging? Pro-aging, also referred to as well-aging or authentic aging, is a shift from the belief that aging is negative and should be prevented to the belief that there are positive aspects of aging that we should celebrate. The outdated language surrounding skincare and aging needs to change. With the anti-aging backlash, word choices and attitudes are gradually evolving as we discover the negative impact they have on mental health and self-esteem. Criticism of brands that prey on people’s insecurity about appearance teaches us that aging, a natural phase in our evolution, isn't necessarily a problem – unless we make it one. With this updated positive approach to aging, you can adapt to changes in your skin and holistically love and care for it with more acceptance, confidence, and fulfillment. This about-turn is in stark contrast to attempting to avoid aging altogether - hiding from the world in pursuit of glass-like skin doesn't work. However, you choose to proceed is your choice. But don't let the advertisers tell you how you will do it!

The Aging Continuum
From “I will never grow old” to "I'm starting to grow old" to "I'm old” – aging is a natural evolution in how we think, feel, and look. If you're approaching your next-to-last chapter or are already on the other side, you may have noticed that where you fall on the continuum of aging affects your perception and approach. Many youths said they would never try cosmetic procedures, but fast-forward a few decades, and many are getting injectables regularly as a less invasive alternative to facelifts of earlier generations. However, the rejection of Botox® and fillers, which seemed like the perfect antidote to invasive facelifts, is also part of this anti-aging revolt due to their sometimes-disastrous overuse and unnatural effects. You can try everything possible to skip aging or follow the movement towards celebrating your life’s journey and eliminating the word aging from your vocabulary. The choice of how you age is yours alone!

The pro-aging movement encourages acknowledgement of the rites of passage you have undertaken to reach this privileged place that not everyone has the opportunity to reach. Instead of calling yourself old or complaining about that new wrinkle, try "chronologically experienced" on for size! The idea is to love your lines, remember all the fun you had acquiring them, and respect your skin for all it has done for you – proof of a life well-lived! No one and no product can take away that! It allows you to consciously choose how you want to care for your skin. There is no shame in reinventing yourself at any age; this one is no exception. Having a healthy skin care routine can be a wonderful part of self-care, except when it causes someone to go into debt, scoop up every newfangled skincare product, or try aggressive treatments to look younger. Knowing when enough is enough and loving yourself is what matters.

The Anti-Aging Skincare Hoax
While the terms “anti-aging” and "anti-wrinkle” were the best we had at the time, the skincare marketplace has evolved. The new aim is to age gracefully without defying or resisting the hallmarks of the passage of time. While some products that claim to do x, y, and z mislead or disappoint, science backed skincare formulas with retinol, stem cells, and caviar effectively support skin health, keeping it looking its best longer. Pevonia got the memo a while ago and has already made the switch away from “anti-aging” to pro-aging. We encourage our customers and other brands to join us with holistic, clean skincare formulas that promote skin behaving more vibrantly without trying to turn back time. Until a time machine is invented, you can't turn back the clock, but you can bend time with skin-loving, effective skin care products that address the changes happening to your skin as you age without denying this natural process altogether. Prevent? Yes, with antioxidant-infused skincare and daily sun protection! But correct? Despite our products’ ability to transform complexions, we’re moving away from that term, as well, since it implies that aging is a problem that needs correction. We prefer to minimize, smooth, or soften lines and wrinkles. Rather than fighting aging and trying to look years younger, our formulas support and optimize your healthiest skin at any age. We promote a gentle yet effective philosophy that focuses onskin health and rejuvenation with professional-grade skincare at home and professional in spa Pevonia treatments.

For more on the pro-aging movement, see our blog: The Freedom to Age How You Want.

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