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Survive Summer Barbecues With Healthy Skin

Survive Summer Barbecues With Healthy Skin

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Barbecues are a beloved summer tradition, but did you know they can negatively impact your skin? These outdoor festivities are fraught with beauty pitfalls, with the dangers of barbecue food lurking in surprising places that can affect your skin’s health. In addition to the obvious ill effects of fatty grilled meats, the scorching sun, and alcohol, the seemingly healthy salads, sides, and other fare are not your skin’s friends. Don’t worry! You can brave the mouth-watering buffet, beat the heat, and chill out with confidence. Follow our tips on what you need to avoid at barbecues to help your skin stay healthy this summer. So, let’s get you ready for barbecue fun in the sun!

Why BBQ Is Bad for You
Is barbecuing bad for your health? For the most part, the downfall of barbecuing is attributed to the dangers of grilling food. You may love how grill marks look on juicy burgers, hot dogs, and steaks fresh off the barbecue, but the “marks” a grill can leave on your skin aren’t as appealing. When we throw meat on the barbecue, we are heating and browning it without water at high temperatures. This process, called glycation, is one of the root causes of visible signs of aging. A non-controlled and non-enzymatic binding of sugars to basic and essential proteins occurs, producing highly destructive AGEs. These Advanced Glycation End products cause long-term skin damage and collagen breakdown, leading to lines, wrinkles, and loose, sagging skin. Once AGEs bind to collagen, cross-linking occurs, with chemical bridges forming between proteins. This hardens collagen, making it less elastic and prone to tearing or cracking. Fibers intertwine, forming bunches or “nuts” under the skin, which cannot support the skin, causing deep wrinkles throughout the dermis as the support system collapses. Capillaries break down, causing decreased skin oxygenation and nutrition, further structural breakdown, and dermal thinning.

Dangers of Grilling
There are additional dangers of barbecue grills that require your attention:

  • People unaccustomed to working with open flames may burn themselves or singe their brows.
  • Grease fires from propane grills are a common grilling mishap.
  • Carbon monoxide emitted from charcoal grills can be fatal if accidentally ingested, earning one more vote for gas grills.
  • Smoke and air pollution are inevitable when grilling. Smoke emits Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)—carcinogenic, organic compounds easily absorbed into the lungs. Next, ultrafine particles (UFPs) can enter the bloodstream and affect other bodily organs.
  • Pollutants from grilling can irritate the skin and lead to inflammation, redness, and breakouts.
  • The sizzling heat from the grill can sap moisture from your skin, leaving it dry, dull, and flakey.
  • Barbecue spices, marinades, and sauces often contain potential allergens or irritants that can trigger allergic reactions or irritations in sensitive skin.

Here are some helpful precautions to minimize grilling’s impact:

  • Position yourself upwind from the grill
  • Ensure proper ventilation in the grilling area
  • Apply a moisturizer before and after grilling
  • Drink water to restore hydration
  • Be mindful of marinades or rubs used

BBQ Vs. Smoked Meats
Smoking meat isn't necessarily a better alternative to grilling. Smoked meats are usually prepared with rubs high in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, which are potentially harmful to those with kidney disease. Some smoked meats contain nitrates and nitrites, which turn into nitrosamine compounds—recognized carcinogens not recommended for people at risk for developing cancer or with a previous cancer history.

Stay Sun-Safe at Barbecues
Barbecues typically take place outdoors, and although thawing out under the sun’s rays feels good, it isn’t healthy for your skin. Don’t allow yourself to be seduced! Prolonged exposure to harmful UV rays can cause sunburn, premature signs of aging, and increased skin cancer risk. As your skin’s future is in your hands, stick to safer sun exposure to enjoy the warmth without the damage. All it takes is a little planning and diligence.

  • Use sunscreen: Apply broader protection, coral reef safe sunscreen 30 minutes before the festivities—a must for outdoor parties and living. Safeguard skin with skin-friendly formulas utilizing nature’s mineral sunscreens. Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are ocean safe sunscreens with soothing properties that support skin health.
  • Try a hat trick: Don a stylish wide-brimmed hat and let the compliments begin. (Sorry, no ball caps as they won’t protect your neck, tops of ears, sides of your face, chest, etc.)
  • Embrace your inner rock star: Rock oversized sunglasses to protect eyes from harsh UV rays that can cause age-related eye diseases, and the delicate skin of the eye contour.
  • Favor shade: Find a shady tree, overhang, or umbrella to hang out under. (No one ever said you had to stand in the sun to be a good party participant!)
  • Set an alarm: Use your phone to remind yourself to reapply sunscreen every two hours.
  • Cover it up: Protective UPF clothing is another way to soak up the fun while shielding your skin from harsh UV rays.
  • Stay moist: Using a moisturizing skin mist can help keep skin dewy throughout the day.
  • Get skin-surance: Because many of us may miss a spot or reapplication, keep after sun care products on hand. Oursoothing after sun gel beats garden aloe vera, cooling skin, halting the influx of skin-damaging enzymes, and prompting rapid revitalizing repair.

Alcohol – Not Your Ally
Alcoholic beverages (and foods!) have high glycemic values and acidic and histamine properties, which can contribute to rosacea flare-ups, breakouts, and early signs of aging. High Glycemic Index (GI) beverages, like beer and liqueurs, are rapidly digested and broken down, causing faster blood sugar and glucose elevation than low-glycemic foods. This activates enzymes, raises levels of arachidonic acid in our blood, and spikes sex hormones (testosterone), insulin, and oil production, aggravating inflammatory skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and inflamm-aging. Alcoholic beverages make the blood acidic, inhibiting basic mechanisms like detoxification, elimination, and cellular repair—not ideal for anyone in pursuit of clean living. The resulting stress hormone spike results in flushing and blushing, which are linked with rosacea and breakouts. Beer, hard liquor, spirits, wine, and mixed drinks with coconut, cranberries, pomegranates, and tomatoes are the top acid-forming alcoholic beverages. Histamines and tyramines in beer, wine, and hard alcohol increase blood vessel permeability, dilating them and promoting flushing—one of the initial symptoms of rosacea. Alcoholic beverages also cause the body to release histamine, further exacerbating rosacea flare-ups. Rosacea sufferers should avoid drinks made with bananas, cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and strawberries that contain or cause the body to produce histamine.

Drink Wisely To play it safe, people with acne, rosacea, or aging concerns should make smarter beverage choices to prevent aggravating these and other skin conditions:

  • Abstain from alcohol, or, at minimum, choose low glycemic and lower histamine versions while limiting intake.
  • Drink cool, alkaline water to help balance acidity and minimize flushing and flare-ups.
  • Opt for unsweetened sparkling mineral water or seltzer with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Note: Although citrus fruit seems acidic, the citric acid alkalizes and restores pH balance.
  • Drink iced, unsweetened green tea to reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, and minimize acne and rosacea symptoms. (But skip sweet tea due to the high sugar content!)
  • For mixed drinks, opt for seltzers or tonics instead of sugar-laden sodas or juices.

Not So Healthy Salads & Sides
Beyond the grill—it isn’t just a juicy burger that is the barbecue gremlin—there are other unhealthy factors to consider. People with complexion woes may want to forgo these classic American barbecue sides:

  • Potato salad is carbohydrate-rich and has a high GI, which is not ideal for people with rosacea and acne or those wanting to postpone early signs of aging. However, chlorogenic and caffeic acids in potato peels do have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Macaroni salad made with white flour pasta is pro-inflammatory and can trigger breakouts and rosacea. Consider using whole wheat pasta to lower the GI and increase the fiber content.

For collards and Swiss chard, make healthier versions without bacon or stick to green leafy spinach or kale salads with vinaigrette dressing and fruit salads without added sugars or marshmallows, please! Despite getting a bad rap, corn on the cob and baked beans have a surprisingly low GI content. Corn is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, and beans are a protein and nutrient-rich complex carbohydrate, making them good sides to pile on your plate, even if you have skin issues. Just watch adding too much butter and salt to your corn or bean recipes with tons of brown sugar, salt, and bacon.

Sweets Not Without Sin
Sugary pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, and homemade ice cream may be sweet on your lips but threaten your skin’s future. Glycation occurs when we consume sugar, which clumps up, absorbs water, and dries out collagen. This causes collagen fibers to become stiff, brittle, and then break, lessening their stability, structure, and blood flow. The resulting reduction in collagen inhibits nutritional exchange and contributes to visible signs of aging. If you are determined to delay aging but have a sweet tooth, eating naturally sweetened fresh fruits and veggies with a low GI, antioxidants, and fiber helps defend against free radical damage, improves skin health, and boosts gut health. For an added anti-inflammatory boost, here are your best options:

  • Berries: Acai berries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, and cherries are rich in anthocyanins, which enhance the body’s defense mechanisms, helping protect your skin from damage and premature aging.
  • Melons: Cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew are rich in superoxide dismutase, a potent ally against free radicals and inflammation.
  • Additional Low GI fruits:  Apples, cranberries, and citrus

Host A Healthier BBQ
If you’re hosting a barbecue, in addition to the healthier options suggested, consider providing the following options for your guests:

  • Sandwiches made with nitrite-free, low-sodium lean deli meats that facilitate rebuilding collagen and elastin, postponing fine lines from arriving early (no one likes a “guest” to show up early at a barbecue, right?)
  • Dishes of nuts and guacamole to provide healthy fats and omega-3s for your guests
  • Stress-busting broccoli, bean, or spinach salads and unsweetened green tea will relax your guests and keep their furrows at bay.
  • Think outside the barbecue-shaped box with seafood:
    • Serve ceviche (fish marinated in citrus) for a collagen, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory skin health boost.
    • Shuck fresh oysters to up their zinc intake, which is beneficial for healthy hair! Just be sure to keep them iced!

Attending a shindig? Be part of the solution by offering to bring one of the other skin-friendly foods and beverages mentioned to keep your skin clear after the festivities end.

BBQ: Skincare Tool Kit
If you can’t resist barbecue fare, choose products to help fight glycation and the other damaging effects of flavor-filled fun in the sun at barbecues. Of course, sunscreen is an obvious “must.” Pair it with clean products featuring effective skin care ingredients proven to revitalize the skin:

  • Skin Care Products with Caviar contain ATP, which helps compensate for the progressive slowing of skin metabolism and energy, along with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that powerfully increase skin’s vitality. For more on this phenomenal active, check out our blog on What Makes Caviar an Incomparable Investment.
  • Skin Care Products with Stem Cells stimulate cell division, help the skin renew itself, and improve its appearance. Epigenetic plant-based stem cells help stimulate genes, create new cells, and protect the skin without altering DNA. Comfrey Root Stem Cells activate the skin’s epidermal stem cell production and renewal, reducing wrinkles, repairing the skin, and creating healthier, rejuvenated skin. They also stimulate fibroblast, collagen, and elastin production and growth and improve hyaluronic acid content, densifying and plumping the skin.

Argan Stem Cells help specialize and energize existing cells, repair signs of aging, protect, and support collagen and elastin. Using highly concentrated argan stem cells for 56 days reveals tighter-looking dermal tissue and a 26 percent wrinkle reduction for a smoother, tauter skin surface. Remember: Visible signs of aging take years to develop, so 56 days, about two skin cell turnover cycles, is an amazingly short amount of time to achieve these results. Before throwing on your flip-flops and heading to the party, get your tootsies ready with a natural foot cream to smooth away any cracks.

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