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Redefining What Grandma Looks Like

Redefining What Grandma Looks Like

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With Gorgeous Grandma Day this month, we want to celebrate how grandmothers are squashing the various stereotypes and myths surrounding aging. If you don’t have any grandchildren yet, no worries; this day honors all women who’ve reached a “certain” age!

Aging Myths and Reality
The traditional mold of how a grandmother or aging woman looks and acts continues to evolve for the better. We’ve all seen and, admittedly, laughed at some of the humorous stereotypes in television and films. Vicki Lawrence’s cranky “Mama” on the Carole Burnett Show and Mama’s Family, addled Edith Bunker, played by Jean Stapleton on All in the Family, and benevolent Aunt Bee on the Andy Griffith Show shaped many of our perceptions about what grandmothers are like. But women “of age” today mean serious business in how they approach their lives and look lightyears away from these characters. However, here are examples of aging myths that persist:

Myth #1: Loneliness and depression are normal for aging.
While illness or other circumstances may isolate older people, making them depressed or lonely, it isn’t normal to feel this way. Young adults are shown to experience depression more than older adults and many older folks have rich, active social lives. However, if you experience prolonged sadness or depression, do not discount these feelings, and talk to your doctor (this is an important tip at ANY age).

Myth # 2: Older people need less sleep.
While sleep patterns change as we age, and falling and staying asleep become more difficult, it doesn’t mean you should scrimp on shuteye. You still need 7 – 9 hours nightly to stay physically and mentally healthy and look more rested.

Myth #3: Learning new things is too difficult as you age.
Despite changes in thinking, age does not equate with an inability to acquire new knowledge or skills. In fact, with a wealth of insight, experience, and knowledge, learning may be richer and more rewarding. And trying to learn a language or tackling a new hobby has been found to improve memory. Hobbies or pastimes that have a social aspect can also enhance cognition.

Myth #4: Dementia is inevitable if you live long enough.
While it’s true that the risk of dementia increases with age, many people reach their 90s and upwards without this level of cognitive decline. However, mild forgetfulness, like misplacing your keys or forgetting an appointment, is a normal part of aging. But if accompanied by personality or behavior changes, thinking, or memory issues, schedule an appointment with your doctor to determine if there are other problems that may be treatable.

Myth #5: You should avoid exercise to prevent injuries.
While the risks of falls increase with age, being sedentary is one of the worst things you can do for your physical and mental health. Exercising is recommended to help manage chronic conditions, just be sure to get clearance from your doctor first. While it may be hard to get moving, once you do and stick to it, you’ll likely experience better stability and balance, which can help you stay independent and reduce fall risk.

Myth #6: If a person’s parents have age-related diseases, they will too.
For example, just because your mom or dad has Alzheimer’s, doesn’t mean you will get it. Your risk can be higher if your parents have certain conditions, but this isn’t always the case. Discuss your concerns about your family’s health issues with your doctor. With Alzheimer’s and several other health concerns, your diet, exercise regimen, whether you smoke or not, and your environment also play a role.

Myth #7: Older people shouldn’t drive. You don’t have to give up driving because of your age. However, issues with hearing, vision, and slow response times may affect your safety, requiring you to take a backseat, but just in this area.

Myth #8: Osteoporosis only affects women.
Since men have a higher bone density than women, they are less vulnerable. But 20% of men over 50 will get an osteoporosis-related fracture. By ages 65 – 70, males and females experience bone loss at the same rate. Getting plenty of exercise, calcium, and vitamin D, while stopping smoking and limiting alcohol intake can help everyone.

Myth #9: I’m “too old” to quit smoking.
No matter your age or the number of years you have smoked, any time you stop smoking will positively affect your health, such as fewer colds, flus, and lung-related illnesses. Almost instantly, your circulation will improve, carbon monoxide levels will decrease, and your heart rate and blood pressure begin to normalize. Quitting today lowers the chances of lung disease, cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Of course, it also helps keep your friends and family healthier since they won’t be exposed to your secondhand smoke. As a fabulous bonus, you will teach those around you that it can be done and while setting a good example for your children and grandchildren.

Myth #10: Once blood pressure normalizes, you can stop taking your medication.
Normal blood pressure indicates that your lifestyle changes and medicine are doing the intended trick. Discontinuing it could cause it to increase again, leaving you vulnerable to kidney disease and stroke. Continuing your medication and healthy habits is vital for optimal health and longevity. While our senior years technically begin at age 50, most 50-year-olds are defying these aging myths and then some! The idea that aging is to be suffered needs to be retired! Join us as we redefine “grandma-ness.”

Facts About Aging Gracefully
Aging gracefully is a choice. How each of us decides to grow old depends on our chosen lifestyle. If we continue healthy habits or start making better choices today, growing old can be a wonderful phase of life. Being a grandma today is much different than 50 years ago. While we have been conditioned to slowly exit the spotlight as our appearance loses its youthful sparkle, today's grandmas are basking in the glow longer. They wholeheartedly adopt the positive aspects of aging as reflected by what they wear, what they do, and how they look. In the 1950s, women who colored their hair didn’t broadcast it to the world, as some circles still judged this practice. But, by the end of the 1960s, women were expected to color away their grays. With the shorter hemlines of the time, women going bra-less, and growing acceptance of feminism, women expressed freedom with their appearance. The norm-shattering acts set the stage for this welcome shift, creating a new breed of grandma, one that is hip, cool, active, and fit. So, what do today’s grandmas look like? Grandmas are looking more and more fabulous nowadays. Social norms have changed how grandmas act now - a refreshing transformation that turns yesterday’s stereotypes on their heads.

  • They have shed the conservative, grandma-like clothing and work hard to achieve fit physiques they aren’t afraid to flaunt. They can leave the house with or without make-up – no longer needing to “put their face on” to be seen in public.
  • Many women are embracing their natural, graying strands, while others choose to color, and both options are 100% ok. By the same token, they don’t have to cut off their locks when they reach a certain age.
  • Her mentality is more accepting of her body – shapewear is still an option, but not a requirement! And, if they want to wear body-con clothing with advancing age, that is their prerogative. She would tell you to wear what you want for yourself! Today, anything goes, and there is no room for “should-ing” on one another, please!

Even the names grandmothers go by have gotten a makeover. From Grandma, Granny, Nana, Maw Maw, and Abuela to the likes of G, G-ma, Big G, Big Mama, Grams, and our favorite, Glam-ma, we like this trend. Whatever you decide to call her, just call her! With this acceptance comes love, admiration, and better self-care. Maybe “Mama” was so cranky because she didn’t accept her extra cushion, and maybe Edith was addled because she let Archie’s criticisms stress her out. Either way, most grandmas today know it is an inside job, that how we feel about ourselves is more important than anyone else’s opinion. Along these lines, many of today’s grandmothers in television and movies dispel the grandma myths and stereotypes and are a force to be reckoned with!

As a grandparent, you can not only impact the health of your skin and body but set a good example for your kids and grandchildren. Being true to yourself and not giving up your passions and interests to make way for younger folks is key. In fact, younger generations can definitely take a few cues from grandma’s experience! As they watch you apply sunscreen before you head out on a family hike, you are building a legacy of skin health and wellness. She may not make cookies for the grandkids every time they come over but show them how to make healthier choices...most of the time.

What’s On Your Granny Bucket List?
Remember, aging is not a reason to sit on the sofa until you reach your great reward. Having a bucket list and checking the wish list items off is a way to stay fully alive and participating in the world. The sky is the limit, so long as you don’t buy into the myths! If a self-care routine that includes finally having a better complexion is on your list, you may need to ask yourself if you have internalized some aging skin myths that have kept you from doing so sooner.

Myths about Skin Aging
There are many myths surrounding skin aging. Here are some of the most common, along with the facts about aging skin which today’s savvy grandmas can benefit from:

Myth #1: My mom and dad aged early, so I will too.
Wrinkles aren’t something you inherit, exactly, and just because you are a grandma doesn’t mean you have to have them. While fairer skin from mom or dad leaves you with less natural melanin protection against the sun, that doesn’t mean you can’t help prevent sun damage and visible signs of aging with daily use of a broader protection sunscreen, rain or shine. For more information about factors that affect the aging process, check out our previous blog.

Myth #2: If an anti-aging regimen worked for my mom or best friend, it will work for me.
You need to find what works for you. Pevonia offers multiple pro-aging options to choose from. But, suppose you have sensitive skin or have been disappointed before, trial kits are a good way to start slowly and sample different formulas to discover your personal graceful aging routine.

Myth #3: If I don’t see immediate results, that means a product doesn’t work.
It is important to be consistent and allow one to two months for the actives in the formula to work their magic. While there can be an initial plumping effect as your skin becomes more moisturized, it usually takes between one and two full cell turnover cycles minimum for your skin to be exposed to and receive the results of the actives. Those with more advanced signs of aging and more years under their belt typically take longer as the cell turnover rate becomes longer as we age.

Myth #4: My moisturizer is all I need to stay youthful-looking.
Moisturizing helps ensure healthy moisture levels, but you need effective skincare with pro-aging ingredients first to effectively help stave off wrinkles. Serums have a higher concentration of actives and are formulated to penetrate deeper for maximum results. Check out the clean beauty  Marine Collagen Cream + Serum Duo and Firming Marine Elastin Cream + Serum Duo for healthy, honest aging.

Myth #5: The damage is done, so there is nothing I can do to help my skin.
While it is more challenging to treat skin that has been neglected, you can absolutely jumpstart your skin repair with professional chemical peels and high-performance in-spa Pevonia treatments. Paired with advanced natural skin care products, your skin can regain a smoother, more radiant, and vital appearance. For sun damage and advanced signs of aging, check out the Micro-Retinol® Cream + Serum Duo, plant based Stem Cells De-Aging Intensive Cream + Serum Duo, and Timeless Repair Cream + Serum Duo.

Ask yourself if you have believed any of these myths and challenge yourself to a new mindset that promotes a more youthful and vibrant you! Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? Boost skin health with an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and professional treatments, like the Peel & Recapture Micro-Retinol® Treatment, Stem Cells Phyto-Elite® Facial Treatment, or Myoxy-Caviar® Mask Treatment. Visit Find A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia!

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