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Real Pevoniacs: Skincare Through the Decades - 50s, 60s, 70s & Beyond

Real Pevoniacs: Skincare Through the Decades - 50s, 60s, 70s & Beyond

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Curious about how people keep their skin so youthful looking? We’ve interviewed “Pevoniacs,” people who are maniacs for Pevonia, to find out which of our clean skincare products have been their “go-to” skincare through the years.The common thread that permeated their answers was that each person frequently receives compliments on looking younger than their peers!

Skincare based on age can be tricky as there are factors that affect skin appearance beyond chronological age. Did you know that:

  • Sun exposure accounts for 80% of visible signs of aging.
  • Smoking could make you appear 7 to 20 years older than your biological age.

But, if you chose healthier habits, your skin age could be ten years younger! Consider your lifestyle to help zero in on an appropriate skincare routine by age, then read on to discover the “Pevoniac” profile you resonate with to learn how you can be a raving fan, too!

Skincare in Your 50s

Christine | Educator | Pilates Buff | Kitchen & Garden Maven | Dog Lover | Age 53
Not your typical 53-year-old, Christine proves that getting active and finding hobbies you love keeps you looking and feeling younger. While her biggest skincare concerns are looking tired, loss of vitality, lines, and wrinkles, mirroring other 50-somethings’, these aging signs are not evident when you meet her! Pevonia helps her stay youthful-looking by manufacturing products for maximum penetration, which gives her confidence that her regimen is working.

She adores the moisturizing De-Stress Escape Aromatic Oil as a serum under her moisturizer, on her neck, and mixed into the Crepe-No-More Body Cream for its relaxing aromatherapy.
A self-proclaimed eye cream “junkie,” she favors the lightweight Lumafirm Eye Contour - Lift & Glow under her foundation and uses the ingredient focused Myoxy-Caviar Timeless Eye Contour to target concerns like dark shadows, crow’s feet, and puffiness. She skin cycles her regimen with the Resurfacing Glycocides Cream for its overnight exfoliation benefits, embodying the essence of professional Pevonia treatments.

Hooked by the immediate dewiness achieved with Pevonia skin care, she has been using these products from the beginning, as she experienced lasting results in a single month! You could say it was love at first “swipe,” as she loves how remarkably smooth her skin feels, its healthy glow, and that her lines and wrinkles are less visible. If Christine could tell her younger self anything about skincare, it would be this:

  • Listen to your mother and wear sunscreen.
  • Do not go to bed with make-up on.
  • Start using an eye gel when you wear make-up.
  • Get outdoors - so long as you wear protective sunscreen and a hat!
  • Make sure to always cleanse and moisturize twice daily.

She encourages people to avoid viewing skincare products as “beauty regimens” but good hygiene for the largest organ you have. Despite a bevy of cosmetic medical procedures available today, she cautions that your skin cannot be removed or replaced in its entirety, making its care vital for skin health. No crazy multi-step routines for her. Instead, her morning and evening routines consist of four to five safe skincare products each, which feels effortless since she has been doing it for so long.

She rotates them monthly and changes her regimen seasonally while staying devoted to Pevonia, as she knows our natural skin care products provide what her skin needs to stay fresh and radiant for years to come.
Following her routine has become part of an essential lifestyle habit for maintaining the health of her skin. Her Achilles Heel is taking time out of her busy schedule for professional Pevonia treatments to support her daily care and complement the results she is always striving to achieve.

Debra | Cat Obsessed Computer Wizard | Age 55 (going on 15)
Debra has always been motivated to take care of her skin, and it shows! She thinks it’s because she had such bad acne until quitting dairy products when she was 40. Today, her biggest skincare concern is avoiding wrinkles. She has been using Pevonia for ten years and credits our clean skincare products for helping keep them at bay. She can’t live without the Lumafirm Eye Contour – Lift & Glow. She uses this natural eye cream for dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines under her eyes every morning to prevent bags and a fatigued-looking eye zone. She says, “If I wake up looking like I got no sleep, this product instantly changes that. It lifts my eye contour in just minutes.” Because of its ability to deliver tighter-looking skin, she applies any extra product on her neck.

Along the “work smarter, not harder” principle, she describes herself as a “Skinimalist,” who prefers to do less to achieve more when possible. This explains why our multi-tasking formulas are part of her daily regimen. The advice she wishes she could have given her younger self? “Wear sunscreen every day, drink more water, and quit eating dairy!”

Maritza | Executive | Mom | Beauty & Wellness Enthusiast | Nature Lover | Age 59
Maritza’s biggest skincare concerns are sagginess, wrinkles, dark spots, and protecting her skin from further sun damage because she admits being careless with that when she was younger. The combination of Pevonia products she uses helps repair her skin daily, keeping it super moisturized, dewy, and glowing. As a result, she feels she managed aging well because her routine helps slow down visible aging.

She says, “as a result of my commitment to using Pevonia, I have great results to show for it and look much younger than most of my family and friends who are my age or even 10-15 years younger.” There are several “must haves” for Maritza, including the YouthRenew Tinted Cream, Marine Collagen Cream, CleanRefresh Foaming Oil Cleanser, and Hyaluronic Acid HydraMist. She has dubbed our tinted moisturizer “flawless skin magic in a bottle!” Like wearing five products in one, it immediately moisturizes, diminishes redness, gives a beautiful glow, conceals, evens tone, and protects from the sun. Having used this moisturizer with sun protection daily, even on weekends, for seven years, she can’t imagine going without its stunning results.

After cleansing with the oil-to-foam cleanser, she dabs the YouthRenew Tinted Cream on with a beauty blender to create an instantly smooth and even look, making sure to cover every spot from forehead to neck for thorough sun protection. She seals it with a spritz of our face mist spray and re-mists throughout the day for instant moisture. When she wants lighter coverage, she adds it to a dab of Marine Collagen Cream for a more sheer veil.
While more of a “skinimalist,” she confesses, “I’ve become more and more obsessed with skincare as I’ve grown older because I’ve seen the difference it has made not only for me but also for my family and friends since I’ve turned them into Pevoniacs!”

If she could go back in time, she would warn her younger self not to bake in the sun without protection and to start using SPF at a young age!!! She admits she used to mix baby oil with iodine and then lay on aluminum foil to attract the rays and feels fortunate to have found Pevonia, which helped repair the damage she did to her skin. She has paid this hindsight knowledge forward to her son, who regularly receives compliments from his 20-something friends for his gorgeous skin

Just one step away from 60, she continues to be motivated to care for her skin because she likes what she sees and the confidence it gives her. She adds, “the shocked faces from old friends I may run into who can’t believe how well I’ve aged or the shocked look from new people I meet when I tell them my age also helps…lol!”

Skincare in your 60s

Ellen | Adventurer | Beach Lover | Family Gal | Passion for Fashion | Age 64
You wouldn’t guess that Ellen is a grandmother. She is a woman on the go, hitting the beach, and new restaurants and shops while staying up on trends and pop culture. Her primary skin concern is fine lines. To nip this pesky sign of aging in the bud, she relies on her three favorite products: the Myoxy-Caviar Timeless Balm Cleanser, Vitaminic Concentrate, and Hyaluronic Acid HydraMist.

She uses the Myoxy-Caviar Timeless Balm Cleanser every morning and evening, as, in her words: “It makes my face feel clean but never tight.” She admits it took her a while to use it correctly, but once she learned to wet her hands, work up a little lather, then lightly massage it onto her skin, she “saw results immediately.”

Next, she follows with Hyaluronic Acid HydraMist, vouching that “It is refreshing, hydrating, and soothing.” If she needs extra moisture, she uses this moisturizing face spray mid-day as well. She follows it with the Vitaminic Concentrate, which she says, “makes my skin look dewy and gives me a little bit of a glow.” Ellen has used Pevonia products on a daily basis for three years as she loves “the look and feel of IMMEDIATE results” adding that her skin is “really smooth for someone who is 64 years old”.

She loves skincare but admits that sometimes she feels “like being a “Skinimalist”! With an abundance of advice to give her younger self, here’s what she’d say: “Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!! And wear a hat! And moisturize every day! And do not use harsh soap - your skin does not need to feel squeaky clean. And did I say, SUNSCREEN?!?!?”

Staying motivated to take care of her skin comes exceptionally easy to Ellen, as she wants to do everything she can to have her skin look good, and because “It just makes me feel so much better.” Her other Pevonia favorites are the Hyaluronic Acid HydraSerum, ”C” Complex with Oxyzomes, Stem Cells Phyto Elite Intensive Serum and Cream, and Myoxy Caviar Timeless Eye Contour. She feels that women her age who have sun damage just don’t know what to do and would benefit from a session with a specialist who could update them on what is current and recommend a morning and evening routine.

Skincare in your 70s+

Phyllis | Mother | Worker Bee | Age 86
At 86 years young, Phyllis unabashedly declares that she has beautiful skin that would easily fall into this younger age bracket. Her favorites are the Pevonia Marine Collagen Cream, which she uses at night, and the Myoxy-Caviar Timeless Repair Cream, which she prefers in the morning. She has faithfully used these top-selling Pevonia products for the last 23 years, and her complexion continues to impress.

In her own words, “I do not have any wrinkles. I am truly blessed with beautiful smooth skin.” We couldn’t agree more, as she is a living, breathing testimonial to the brand. A widow, mother, and office worker for 68 years and counting, Phyllis has seen trends come and go. She unknowingly embraced “skinimalism” before it “was a thing,” proving that less can truly be more with quality skincare.
Here are some pearls of wisdom she’d like to share:

  • Any young woman starting to wear make-up needs to prepare and protect their face first by using a good natural skin cleanser, toner, and moisturizer (Pevonia, of course!). She received this same excellent advice from behind the department store beauty counters when she was in her 20s, which she credits for her skin always being “so nice.”
  • Having witnessed people decades younger than she become exceptionally wrinkled, with poor-looking skin due to the ravages of tanning and tanning beds, she cautions everyone to refrain from tanning to avoid premature aging.
  • She would also like to encourage mothers to talk to their daughters about proper care of their skin to keep it as healthy-looking as possible.

Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? Boost skin health with an in-depth expert consultation for your ideal products and professional treatments. Visit Find A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia and ask for the Radiance Collagen Mask Treatment, Lumafirm Lift & Glow Face & Eye Treatment, Myoxy-Caviar® Mask Treatment, or the Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Treatment.

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