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Real Pevoniacs: Skincare Through the Decades – 20s, 30s & 40s Edition

Real Pevoniacs: Skincare Through the Decades – 20s, 30s & 40s Edition

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Do you ever wonder what other people use to care for their complexions and how they get their skin to look so great? We interviewed “Pevoniacs,” people who are Pevonia skin care maniacs, about their favorite clean skincare products and how they incorporate them into their beauty routines. The one thing they have in common? They are all frequently complimented on their glowing complexions! Find the profile that fits you best to see how you, too, will become a “Pevoniac”!

Skincare in Your 20s

Alyana | Family Gal | Video Gamer | Pet Spoiler | Age 25
When she’s not spending time with family, playing video games, or spoiling her pets, Alyana’s true passion is results driven skincare. Unlike most of us, she comes from a long line of skincare professionals, so skincare is practically in her blood! But like most of us, she has more than one skincare concern, with sun protection and moisturization being her biggest areas of focus. Each concern holds equal importance for her as she’s keenly aware that both play a big part in skin health. How many of us wished we had a mother and grandmother as estheticians and had been as wise as Alyana when we were younger?
Pevonia’s emphasis on advanced manufacturing processes and product knowledge on has helped her become a self-proclaimed “connoisseur” of luxury skincare. Pevonia checks all the boxes for the key points she looks for within a brand: science backed skincare, absorbency, sustainability, reasonable pricing, and transparency.

The Pevonia skin care products she can’t live without are the Enzymo Spherides Peeling Cream, Hyaluronic Acid HydraMist, and Hydrating Sunscreen SPF 40. She raves that the two-minute creamy exfoliant “has dramatically alleviated congestion within my skin and produced a beautifully luminous complexion after every use!” Having used it at least once a week for three months, she shares that after each use, her “pores are minimized and clearer!”
The moisturizing face mist spray is her favorite skin mist of all time, as it produces a naturally dewy, radiant complexion after every use. She says, “My trick is to use it in place of a toner and spray it immediately before applying a serum to provide an abundance of moisture.” She works behind a computer screen, so looks forward to spritzing herself and inhaling the pleasant, natural relaxing aroma throughout the day for a refreshing moisture reset. She loves that the broader protection sunscreen can be applied onto the face and body to shield skin from UVA and UVB rays, plus provide indoor bluelight protection from devices such as cellphones, computers, tablets, and more!
Alyana is a definite “skinimalist,” with her philosophy towards skincare routines being “all about the science and simplicity.” She encourages people to stick to the one brand they’re confident with and to have an excellent natural skin cleanser, toner, serum, and skin care cream, so you’ll “know what works best for you!” To her, the only additional products on hand should be an exfoliant and clean skincare mask.

She cautions that using multiple brands and having an overabundance of steps can overwhelm your skin, causing adverse reactions due to unknown formulation interactions. She adds that this can potentially waste products by not using them before they expire. The advice she would give friends that are her senior is this: “Your skin does not need a dozen products! Do not splurge or waste your time and money. Continue to learn about yourself and what works for you. You do need to keep up with the trends.” Seeing the results of the time she puts into her routine helps her stay motivated to care for her skin, encouraging her to keep learning, growing, and practicing methods to understand her body and health better.

Skincare in Your 30s

Amy | Mom | Social Media Expert | Age 34
Amy is a devoted Pevonia lover who believes skincare is self-care. With managing aging skins and dryness being her main skincare concerns, she is grateful that Pevonia makes clean beauty products accessible and formulates with natural skin care actives she can trust to work. (Hello, results!) As the mother of a three-year-old, she is constantly cleaning up messes and washing her hands. According to Amy, dry, cracked hands aren’t just a winter thing when you’re a mom. They’re an “all the time” thing! She can’t get enough of the Multi-Active Hand Cream to keep tightness and discomfort in check, stashing a tube in her car, kitchen, and nightstand to use throughout the day and before bed. Amy loves that it soaks in right away without leaving a greasy residue (a must when it comes to hand creams), instantly smoothing, quenching, and soothing her hands.

Her second skincare love is the Dry Oil Body Moisturizer. She has been using it faithfully for four years due to its amazing smell and instantaneous moisturizing results. After showering, she spritzes it all over her body because it makes her skin feel soft and look “glowy” without the heavy feeling of most body oils. Amy advises that you only need to wait a minute to allow the oil to penetrate before dressing or lounging on your sofa to prevent oil from getting onto clothes or fabric. She also applies it on the ends of her hair after blow-drying for added shine. Her glorious mane is a testimony to that. Pro Tip: Spritz onto your hands first for even product distribution. When it comes to skincare for Amy, the more products, the merrier, as exemplified in her picture-perfect complexion! In addition to her favorites, she uses the Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Collection, Hyaluronic Acid Hydra Serum, Vitaminic Concentrate, Myoxy-Caviar Timeless Eye Contour, and Rapid Restore Lip Balm. Here’s the advice she would tell her younger self about skincare (and anyone else who will listen!):

  • Wear your sunscreen - EVERYWHERE. Since skin cancer runs in her family and she grew up on New Jersey beaches, she is hyper-aware of this skincare-to-do and dedicated about applying broader protection sunscreens.
  • Apply (and reapply) it to your face, chest, body, ears, neck, feet, and lips to help prevent UV damage, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer.
  • Wear a hat!!! Not a baseball hat, but one with a wider brim and UPF 50 fabric to protect your face, neck, ears, neck, and scalp. Note: Your scalp can burn too!!
  • Don't be lazy. Proper skincare takes time, and you need to do it on a regular basis to yield results.
  • Treat your skincare regimen as time for yourself instead of as a chore. Keeping your cup full with a self-care routine can overflow into the cups of others - because taking care of the caregiver should always be a priority!
  • Take your time applying products, think about the day, and be mindful as you go.

She stays motivated to follow her routine by remembering that her skin is her largest organ and keeping it healthy extends to her total wellness. Her belief is that loving your skin means loving a huge part of yourself! She enjoys feeling good about her skin and admits that vanity is part of her incentive as well! To Amy (and likely you, dear reader!), healthy skin looks beautiful, feels beautiful, and boosts confidence, and there isn’t anything wrong with that! Knowing that no matter what Pevonia product she uses is free from ingredients and practices she doesn't want in her home (Sulfates, GMOs, PABA, Lanolin, Urea, Formaldehyde, Alcohol, Parabens, Mineral Oil, Gluten, Artificial Colors & Fragrance, and Animal Testing), spurs her forward, giving her that added impetus to stick to her regimen.

Lastly, she likes knowing that she is providing her husband (42) and son (3) with clean, plant based products to keep their skin healthy.

Skincare in Your 40s

Valerie | Community Volunteer | Kung-Fu, Book, and Cat Lover | Age 42
After Valerie finishes helping the disabled community, doing her Kung-Fu moves, reading, and playing with her cat, her next concern is her skin’s loss of elasticity. She is thankful that Pevonia helps her with that by delivering high-quality, ingredient focused, and effective skincare products. The one product she can’t live without is the Enzymo Spherides Peeling Cream. She has been using it twice weekly for 15 years, as it immediately leaves her skin clean, healthy, and glowing. A close second is the CleanRefresh Foaming Oil Cleanser, which she uses morning and evening.Since starting using it, she hasn’t sought out any other cleansers since it consistently keeps her complexion looking and feeling clean and refreshed.

A self-titled “skincare junkie,” she follows a 6-step routine on average, but whenever she has spare time, she makes it a point to do more! The skincare advice Valerie would give her younger self? Cleanse the skin thoroughly (take your time!) & wear sunscreen every day (especially in sunny Florida, which she calls home)! Because she enjoys her skincare routine, she doesn’t need much motivation. Valerie says, “It’s a fun, stress-relief activity for me. I unwind & really massage the product(s) well into my skin. Taking the time to ensure the products penetrate deep into the layers of the skin so that I achieve the best results possible.” Some other favorites of hers include the Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Intensive Serum and, the Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Intensive Cream.

If you didn’t find yourself amongst these profiles, stay tuned for the second edition that focuses on skincare according to age 50 and up.
Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? Boost skin health with an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and professional treatments. Check out our Radiance Pure Skin Mask Treatment, Rejuvenating Dry Skin Mask Treatment, Luminous “C” & “Sea”® Mask, and Elasto-Firm Mask. Visit Find A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia!

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