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New Year, Improved You

New Year, Improved You

Pevonia Marketing Pevonia Marketing

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This time of year, we hear a lot about “New Year, New You,” which can be wonderfully motivational. You gear up to tackle the things that you let slide the year before; be it your diet, exercise plan, or even decluttering your home. Or, perhaps you set out to practice self-care and meditation— the goal options are endless. Years ago, people hunkered down for major annual overhauls, but many have learned that resolutions don't work for them – usually due to lack of follow-through.

What exactly is a resolution? It's a firm decision to do or not to do something, combined with determination and action. Decisions are easy, but following through on your commitment with consistent action is the hard part.

First, a resolution is made. Then, the first day of the new year arrives and motivation is nowhere to be found. Perhaps you are fatigued from the holidays and tempting sweets still fill your home. So, what if the dumbbells and treadmill are still collecting dust? Maybe, for today, that's ok! We don't mean to encourage complacency and stagnation, but what we do want to do is remind you that you are great just the way you are!

Sure, there are always opportunities for growth, but we believe that the best form of change is the gradual, slow and steady, approach. Giving yourself permission to take bite-size baby steps is the best way to show yourself compassion.

So, we say, New Year, Improved You, only a little better every day, with whatever a fresh start looks like to you. You may be amazed at how one simple new action begets another, and before you know it, your self-improvement plan gains momentum. Once you feel the boost in your self-confidence that occurs with this approach, you'll want to do more. We advise you to practice “easy does it” so that you can keep up the good work, because when we fall short of our goals it may trigger a setback.

Fact: Most people are abandoning customary resolutions like weight loss and exercise in favor of plans to acquire new skills or whittle down debt. There has been a shift towards prioritizing quality family time and efforts to see the wondrous world that we share. In fact, the percentage of people making resolutions at all has dropped by almost 15%.

Whatever category you fall into, hopeful, discouraged, or cautiously optimistic; we have some suggested intentions instead that may keep you focused this year:

  • Instead of aggressive weight loss or fitness goals, we suggest an all-encompassing pledge to improve your health that helps you feel good in your skin and body overall. To complement your efforts, keep your skin taut with the Pevonia® Lumafirm® Body Moisturizer – Firm & Glow.
  • Improving finances can be a little vague. Instead, put together a reasonable budget and plan to pay down high-interest debts and enlist help if needed. To help you manage your beauty budget, Pevonia offers Afterpay, which allows you to shop our natural skin care products now and pay later, interest-free.
  • To ensure that family is a top priority, try scheduling family time on your calendar just like you would business meetings. We know that you show up for those, right? Bring back board games or family picnics (hint: you can have one in your living room if the weather outside is unseasonable). Here's a new one: have a family spa-at-home day! Put on spa music that all generations can agree on, bathrobes, and headbands. Then, literally and figuratively, clear away the debris of the past year with our Enzymo Spherides® Peeling Cream, followed by the Phyto-Gel natural foaming cleanser. Teach teens a little acne self-care and share in mini-massages with our Micro-Emulsified Massage Oil Anti-Stress. A family that spas together stays together!
  • As far as the goal to enjoy life more, take some time to discover what that looks like for you. Maybe it isn't a travel bucket list, but instead, a reading bucket list. Or, perhaps you've always wanted to grow your own food. Ask yourself how much time and energy you have to devote to this, set a small daily intention and give yourself the gift of following through. Imagine how you will feel as you turn the last page of a book or bite into a homegrown tomato. Aah!
  • Now, when it comes to improving your appearance, we are all for it when it is done with natural skin care and Pevonia treatments. Maybe you've been hankering for a new Pevonia eye cream or skin care cream., Investing in your skin is a great way to treat yourself and reward your efforts. 
  • Creating a daily nighttime ritual for de-stressing and sleep goals will help you accomplish your mission. Power down electronics early and take a natural bubble bath with natural bath salts as you invite Mr. Sandman to bring you pleasant dreams. Read our blog post on why sleep is important for your (mental and physical) health; and pick up some tips on how to improve your slumber.

While we can't push you to exercise or eat differently, Pevonia does have skin care and natural bath products that can help you feel healthier and more confident in your appearance. We look forward to seeing and hearing how you achieve a New Year, Improved You in 2022!

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