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Leaning into Body Positivity: Smoothing out the Bumps

Leaning into Body Positivity: Smoothing out the Bumps

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Once upon a time, being overweight was revered as an appealing sign of prosperity. Unfortunately, in today’s real world, people in larger bodies have been persecuted, mocked, shamed, and subjected to unsolicited health advice for decades. The disparity between how society thinks about, depicts, and treats people who are overweight versus those who are not has created damaging effects. Thankfully, body positivity has come to the rescue, ushering in a new loving era of body acceptance. The notion of self-acceptance at its core is what this world needs in so many ways. But, like other social movements that begin with good intentions, it is not without controversy. Is it healthy or toxic? Does it make you cringe or cheer? What is body positivity and why is it important? Press on to decide what this powerful inspiring movement means to you.

What Is Body Positivity?
The body positivity definition may be the true one-size-fits-all! Body positivity is accepting all body shapes and sizes and rejecting societal expectations and beauty standards. The body positivity movement destigmatizes weight and abolishes fat-phobic, anti-fat diet culture, plus it includes acceptance of all genders, skin tones, and physical abilities. Based on the egalitarian principle that everyone deserves good things, respect, dignity, and opportunities, body positivity advocates that our appearance and ability does not determine our value and self-worth. Wherever you fit on the various “scales” - fat or thin, large or small, dark or light, identify as male or female, have disabilities or none, the body positivity movement promotes genuine equality for everyone. This antidote to body shaming is also about acceptance, with people embracing their bodies and feeling confident despite perceived flaws. Loving yourself, developing a healthy body image, and celebrating the journey toward wellness are significant components of this movement.

Why Is Body Positivity Important?
Body positivity challenges societal narratives and opinions about the body, focusing on self-acceptance regardless of a person's appearance or abilities. It defies the unrealistic idea that beauty has one ideal look, shape, or size. Body positivity seeks to bring awareness to the judgmental, negative messages in popular culture and on social media that influence how we feel about how we look – often fostering poor body images, depression, and eating disorders. The goal is to help promote healthier attitudes toward our bodies, loving ourselves, and feeling beautiful no matter what! It aims to change the relationship we have with ourselves. Hopefully, armed with this enlightened knowledge, we can make conscious, informed choices about what is right for our physical and mental wellness journey.

What Is Toxic Body Positivity?
Despite admirable beginnings, the body positivity movement has become emotionally charged. The encouragement to love our bodies has divided people, with strong opinions, good and bad labels, and judgments voiced across social media platforms. Critics believe that body positivity takes things a little too far, that by glorifying the body and normalizing obesity, we are ignoring the dangerous health ramifications of being overweight. In contrast, many who self-label themselves as fat cite studies where fat people are healthier. Promoting body positivity and obesity as beautiful may help improve self-esteem but may not help promote physical wellness. Communities that shun fat people who decide to lose weight or others for being too large or small are counterproductive to what we believe is the ultimate goal – mental and physical wellness. Body shaming is not appropriate, no matter where you fall on the fatness spectrum. Rather than non-fat, ex-fat, thins, and skinnies sounding off against self-labelled against fats, fatties, and curvy, we should focus on promoting optimal physical and mental wellness and mutual support for all.

Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality
Out of this heated topic came body neutrality, which strikes a balance between body negativity and positivity. It emphasizes valuing our bodies for what they can do rather than tying our value to our appearance. It reminds us that we are more than just our bodies, that our self-image shouldn’t be determined based on our body image, and that our happiness needn’t be tied to how we look. It can also help people with eating disorders forge a better relationship with their body, one that begins with how they honestly feel instead of fabricating positive emotions that don’t feel genuine.

What The Data Says
Science informs us that obesity makes people vulnerable to various health issues. Despite the obesity paradox where some studies found obese people exhibited lower mortality rates, most research indicates that carrying excess weight may lead to obesity and the multiple related adverse health consequences. Studies show that obesity harms physical health, influencing hormone levels and inflammation and stressing skeletal structures and organs. Data links it to 200+ diseases. Here are some of the effects:

  • Belly fat around your internal organs, called visceral fat, increases with obesity. Excess visceral fat is found to leak inflammatory hormones, creating chronic inflammation, DNA damage, and a host of medical conditions.
  • Excess weight increases the pounds of pressure with every step, prematurely wearing down cartilage in joints and causing orthopedic issues.
  • Being just 40-50 pounds overweight increases the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • Recent research indicates that insulin resistance can occur, leading to dementia which happens with type 3 diabetes.
  • It can cause cardiovascular issues, liver disease, gallbladder issues, and even cancer.

Together, these effects can negatively impact an individual’s quality of life. Remember, inflammation is the root cause of most diseases, so anything we can do to keep it in check can help tip the scale toward a healthier body. While studies indicate you can be healthy and overweight, most statistics show that you need a normal BMI for optimal health and that those who maintain high BMIs will experience more health issues down the road. As with everything, do your own research to find a lifestyle solution that works for you! Aside from stats and data, there’s one thing we know without question – gaining weight and having a larger body doesn't make you a bad person or unworthy of love any more than losing weight equals moral success.

Redefining Healthy
The aim is to be happy and healthy in the body you are in. But how do we define healthy? Engaging in a healthy lifestyle, eating nourishing foods, moving your body, and practicing self-care are the cornerstones of health and wellness. You do not need to alter your body to feel worthy or lovable. But if you elect to improve your physical health with efforts to strengthen your muscles, reduce your fat or weight, that is your choice, and it doesn’t take away from body positivity.

Smoothing Out the Bumps
As a skincare and body care company, we wish we could bridge the gap between these different “fat-shuns”. Instead, we encourage you to show the skin on your body the same respect you give your face, the ultimate positive attitude towards your physique. And if embracing body positivity helps you do that, we are all for it! As warmer temps lead us outdoors and you learn to embrace a more positive attitude towards your body, we’re happy to help you care for your skin during the summer season (and beyond) to stay bathing suit and warm-weather clothing ready. Perhaps you have made peace with a few rolls, but your cellulite still bothers you. Even though fat is not the sole cause of cellulite, when fat reduction is desired, the following tips can help boost cellulite reduction efforts and promote a leaner physique:

  • Drink water: It helps flush out toxins, keeps the metabolism functioning properly, and boosts feelings of fullness. Without enough water, metabolism slows down. Drinking cold water provides a 30 percent metabolic boost for 60 minutes. Not a fan? Eat water-rich foods such as cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, cantaloupe, carrots, and blueberries and infuse water with cucumber, herbs (basil, mint, rosemary), fruits (lemon, lime, melons, strawberry, kiwi), or spicy cilantro, jalapeno, and ginger - whatever flavor encourages you to drink up.
  • Have that second cup: According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, coffee boosts calorie burning by 12 percent for three hours.
  • Drink green tea: Three cups daily burned 80 extra calories per day. EGCG from green tea extract is shown to decrease adipose, prevent weight gain, and reduce blood sugar spikes. 
  • 2 Drink Maximum: Limit alcohol intake as University of Buffalo researchers found three or more beverages increased visceral fat. 

Choose Fat Metabolism Enhancers

  • Spice It Up: Cook with ancho chili rub, paprika, and red pepper. Capsaicin from the seeds of chili peppers is found to speed up the metabolism for more than four hours and by more than 20%. Reports show Cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar, and garlic stimulates satiety in the brain, which may prevent overeating too.
  • Use Herbs: Dill, basil, and chives contain kaempferol, a polyphenol that increases production of metabolism-boosting thyroid hormones.
  • Splash On the Vinegar: Research from Japan finds that three teaspoons of vinegar daily can help eliminate accumulated body fat and aid weight loss efforts. Try rice or seasoned vinegar on your salads, plate sandwiches with kosher pickles, pickled capers, or onions to give your food (or drinks) a tangy kick.
  • Do Dairy: Dairy helps the body retain lean muscle and suppresses calcitriol, a hormone that promotes fat storage. It also lowers cortisol production, the hormone found to increase visceral fat. Milk is also rich in conjugated linoleic acid, which may help lose fat. Lastly, leucine in whey protein in milk builds muscle and burns fat.
  • Supplement: Calcium helps the body metabolize fat more efficiently. Vitamin D and calcium supplements (450 iu and 1500 mg, respectively) were proven in a four-week study to reduce up to ten times as much belly fat versus those who drank unfortified juice. Probiotics to balance your natural bacteria are also shown to help peel off pounds.
  • Rough It: Increase your daily soluble fiber intake by 10 grams, and belly fat will drop 4 percent over five years, with a total suggested fiber intake of 25-30 grams. Good sources include oatmeal, brown rice, apples, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and other beans. Research finds that they help ward off processed food cravings and are very filling. Consuming five cups per week was shown to reduce weight without reducing caloric intake and is also shown to reduce belly fat.
  • Say Yes to Healthy Fats: According to an Ohio State University study, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in most nuts, seeds, and oils helped reduce abdominal fat when consumed in moderation. This is attributed to their satiating effects, helping people eat fewer low-quality foods. Here are some excellent choices:
    • A recent study proved that eating 1-1.5 ounces of almonds mid-morning helped reduce the amount consumed at lunch and dinner by study participants. Incidentally, almonds are the highest fiber nut, which further helps weight loss efforts.
    • Linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat and omega-6 in corn, safflower, and sunflower oil, increases the fat-burning hormone adiponectin, while lauric acid in coconut may also increase metabolism.
    • Flax seeds have omega 3s which also help with fat loss. Add ground flaxseed to your morning smoothie, or you can take it in supplement form.
    • Avocados are another excellent source of healthy fats.
  • Eat Your C: Vitamin C is shown to inhibit cortisol production, which plays a role in fat storage. Great sources include guavas, citrus, peppers, kale, broccoli, and strawberries.
  • Ditch Salt: Salt contributes to excess water retention, increasing cellulite visibility. Can’t resist salty fare? Potassium-rich foods (winter squash, sweet potatoes, potatoes, white beans, yogurt, halibut, orange juice, broccoli, cantaloupe, and bananas) can help flush and counteract puffiness and sponginess. Lemons, asparagus, avocado, quinoa, and ginger also help diminish bloat.

Exercise, detoxification, and supplementation are also helpful in boosting cellulite reduction efforts further. Here are some additional tips to help you feel good in your skin this bathing suit season:

  • Eat Lean Protein: Eating chicken, fish, tofu, and beans uses seven times more energy to digest than fat and carbohydrates, balances insulin spikes, and helps build lean muscle.
  • Limit Sugar: It spikes insulin, which increases fat storage in your middle, plus causes collagen and elastin breakdown (glycation), making cellulite more visible.
  • Omit Trans Fats: Skip hydrogenated oils found in creamers and other processed foods, along with soybean oil, which was found to increase fat deposits and weight gain in mice in a recent study at the University of California, Riverside.
  • Watch Stress Eating: Stress boosts cortisol and triggers insulin while eating, which encourages the body to store extra calories as belly fat. Try relaxing 5 minutes before eating to prevent overeating.
  • Snack Away: Going three to four hours without a snack is shown to decrease metabolic rates. Snacks combining carbs and protein, like fruit with cheese or nut butter, are ideal.

Intake and Cravings Control Tips

  • Eat Breakfast: Substantial breakfasts are found to jumpstart the metabolism, keep the hunger hormone ghrelin at bay, and prevent grazing. A study of dieters who ate eggs at breakfast lost 65 percent more weight and 34 percent more belly fat than those who ate the same number of calories in bagel-based breakfasts.
  • 12 On, 12 Off: Keep your calorie intake within a 12-hour window to keep trim and not give in to nighttime cravings.
  • Have Dessert: An Israeli study revealed that women who ate dessert after a high-protein breakfast lost 38 pounds after eight months. Just avoid too much sugar.
  • Get your ZZ’s: Lack of sleep is proven to raise appetite-stimulating hormones and increase carbohydrate cravings. It reduces the body’s ability to process glucose.
  • Clear the Clutter: Stressors in your dining area (ringing cell phones, bills, to-do lists, etc.) can trigger anxiety and overeating, while relaxed environments have been found to reduce the amount eaten by about 18 percent!
  • Skip Certain Programming: Use your DVR or remote to avoid food-oriented commercials and programming and avoid sipping high fructose beverages while watching as the two combined were shown to trigger hunger and distort perceptions of portion sizes and calories.
  • Lock them Up: Store munchies away, fill the fruit bowl, and keep fresh vegetables on hand.
  • Downsize your Dishes: Smaller plates and bowls help manage portion sizes and feelings of satiety.

Summer Face and Body Care
Want to make the skin on your body as svelte and healthy as possible? After bathing with our Anti-Stress Bath and Shower Gel, follow with one of our specialized dimple-smoothing Shea Butter formulas:

  • The Stem Cells Phyto-Elite Intensive Body Corrector features rejuvenating plant based stem cells and is enriched with Green Coffee to help your body appear more contoured and luminous.
  • Our deeply moisturizing Crepe-No-More Body Cream with Longan Fruit Seed Extract and Marine Collagen aids in smoothing the appearance of cellulite, fine lines, and uneven skin texture for a more youthful-looking silhouette.
  • For repairing signs of sun damage, try the De-Aging Body Balm – Papaya-Pineapple, an effective skincare formula with specially-formulated time-released Retinol, Marine Collage, Marine Elastin, and Squalane, without any sensitizing effects.

Try saying body positive affirmations as you apply your body moisturizer, like “I accept and love myself as I am” or “I am committed to giving myself what I need.” Prevent sunburn with our ocean safe Hydrating Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40. This formula also provides bluelight protection, making it a daily must! After sun exposure, apply our After-Sun Soothing Gel, even if you don’t see any redness, to help minimize the damaging effects of UV rays. Missed a spot when applying sunscreen? This cooling gel helps quickly diminish stinging, redness, and peeling. And, if you tend to experience shaving or bikini line irritation, this multi-tasker also makes a great post-shaving or waxing soother! With moisturizing, calming Water Lily and skin-repairing Green Tea, your skin will feel revitalized and ready to hit the beach or the pool.

To maximize results for your healthiest skin ever, boost skin health with an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and professional treatments. Visit Find A Spa for a Pevonia oasis near you offering our Stem Cells Phyto-Elite® Intensive Body Contouring Wrap, Crepe-No-More Body Wrap Treatment, or Tropicale De-Aging Papaya-Pineapple Crème Fraîche Body Wrap Treatment.

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