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Joyful Gratitude - What's On Your Gratitude List?

Joyful Gratitude - What's On Your Gratitude List?

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Do you often feel low or overwhelmed? You are not alone! But, if your list of grievances is longer than your arm, trying to find things you're grateful for is an effective way to unwind your unhappiness. We know it may seem impossible to find the silver lining sometimes, but once you master this beneficial habit, it can genuinely help you see the joy in life.

Collector of Bad News vs. Gratitude
When it seems like you can’t catch a break, it can be easy to feel sorry for yourself and get irritated or overwhelmed with frustration. Gratitude is the opposite of self-pity and discontent. You don't have to ignore your difficulties, but shifting your focus to what is going right instead of what is going wrong can significantly impact your attitude and well-being.

What Is a Gratitude List?
A gratitude list is simply a list of things in your life that are meaningful or valuable to you that you are grateful for. Gratitude refers to a state of being thankful and appreciative of the world around you. Taking this conscious, deliberate action to find the good in your everyday life and focus on it is like a written thank you note to the universe. Writing a gratitude list in recovery, support groups, and self-care is an effective tool to help people shift their perspective away from concerns and troubles towards positive facets of their lives to live more serenely.

Why Write a Gratitude List?
Gratitude lists are a quick way to squash negative thinking, see that we are more than our troubles, and change how we perceive the world. Finding even the smallest kernel of positivity in a difficult situation may be just the light you need to show you the way through. While some things may not be as we would like, putting together a list acknowledging what we have been given and what is going well can guide us to be content in the present moment and feel more hopeful about the future.

What are the benefits of writing gratitude journals and lists?

  1. Reduced aches and pains
  2. Improved sleep quality
  3. Lowered stress levels
  4. Improved mental health and self-esteem 
  5. Increased feelings of happiness for others' success
  6. Inclined to exercise more often and get regular check-ups
  7. More satisfaction in relationships
  8. A sense of connection with the universe
  9. Eased depression and helped overcome trauma
  10. Reduced blood pressure by 10%
  11. Increased grit and resilience
  12. Encouraged to adopt other healthy habits

The benefits of having an attitude of gratitude are science-backed! Gratitude activates our hypothalamus, which floods our brains with dopamine. This natural high rewards us for good acts and actually changes the molecular structure of our brains, essentially rewiring how we think and feel Whenever and however you choose to do it, making a gratitude list daily, like any habit, will have a cumulative effect on your attitude and outlook. Writing down that you are grateful for what you have or who you are can overcome the comparison game, wherein we view other people’s lives as better or less troubled than ours. Putting pen to paper, enumerating the bounty in our own lives, takes our focus off what we lack, helping us see that our life is special too! It enables us to recognize that even though we don’t have everything we want, we have what we need. These lists aren't just for bad or "blue" days. Make a list when things are looking up so that the next time life seems bleak or you are down in the dumps, you can refer to it to remind you of all the good in the world and be astounded at your progress!

Gratitude List How-To
When and how do you write a gratitude list? That is up to you. It can begin with simply thinking of and jotting down just one thing you are thankful for and why. Even on our darkest days, most of us can come up with at least one positive to be grateful for. But there are a few ways to make writing your gratitude list less of a chore and open the door to a new, more joy-filled version of you.

  1. Select a journal you like that will inspire you to keep up this practice. What is a gratitude journal? It can be a leather-bound book with blank lined pages where you can pour your innermost thoughts or one with pre-printed prompts, templates, or checklists to encourage your writing and keep you on track. You can also use a notes app on your phone if you think it will make you stick to this practice.
  2. Pick a time to write that works for you that you know you can stick with. Some people write their lists at the beginning of the day to set the tone for what lies ahead. Others like to write a list at the end of the day as a summary of all that went well or at midday when they need an attitude adjustment. While some studies show that journaling three days per week is more effective than a daily practice, some people find they will stick to it better when they do it at a set time every day.
  3. Whenever you decide, schedule it in your phone calendar just like you would an appointment with someone else. And keep the date!
  4. Find a safe, quiet place where you can pause and reflect.
  5. Consider making it a ritual with a cup of tea, a calming candle, and a renewing face mask.
  6. List 3-5 things you are grateful for and why. Being specific about how it makes you feel will have more impact.
  7. Allow yourself to feel your feelings.
  8. If you miss a day, or two or three, don't get down on yourself for that. 

Gratitude List Ideas
Having a tough time coming up with things to be grateful for? While we can’t tell you what you are thankful for, here are some gratitude list examples to help you get the hang of it:

People: Sometimes we focus too much on who is no longer with us and fail to value those we do have. Your perspective or outlook is everything! That person or situation that drove you to anger before may just show up on your gratitude list today. Surprise, surprise! This is a good learning opportunity to see how your attitude can affect how you view your life and the world around you. Recognizing that you have people in your life who love you is priceless! Maybe you have a generous & faithful partner, caring friends, or darling children to be grateful for. Or perhaps a co-worker, neighbor, or clerk at your local grocery store is always there to share a smile or a quick conversation and give you a sense of community. Focusing on being grateful for who we have in our lives right now can encourage us to stay in today and gain an appreciation for those around us. There are many more people to be grateful for in this vast world beyond our immediate sphere, from the caregivers, nurses, and doctors caring for our health to the armed services who secure our freedoms. Recognizing the sacrifices they make and all they do to keep us safe deserves a place on your list!

Gifts, Skills, & Talents: This isn’t about monetary wealth, but the riches bestowed upon you. Perhaps you excel in sports, have a great voice, or the ability to lighten people’s spirits with jokes and funny anecdotes. Perhaps you are a talented writer or creative artist. Maybe you are a whiz in the kitchen or have a knack for making people feel welcome and good about themselves. Perhaps you were gifted with phenomenal courage, persistence, or boundless compassion and empathy for others. Whatever makes you uniquely you, celebrate that on your gratitude list!

A Checkered Past: Yes, you can even be grateful for adversity and slip-ups you’ve had in your life. Having faced and dealt with your problems and come out on the other side exhibits a strength that no one can take away from you. Sure, there may be some baggage left over, but you can be proud of the fact that you survived your obstacles. Once you have climbed that mountain, you can look back and see how much you’ve grown and recognize that you have the power to surmount the next challenge or opportunity ahead.

Health: While health challenges may come and go, you can most likely come up with one area of your health that is still in good shape. If not, we have modern scientific advancements, technologies, testing, and medicines to help us deal with many types of health crises.

Home & Security: A roof over your head, a job to go to, clothing, food, and a safe place to lay your head down at night is something to be grateful for, as not everyone has that privilege. Many people are feeling the pinch nowadays, making gratitude on this subject seem next to impossible. But, having the gumption to buckle down, “trim the fat” by getting back to basics and putting together a doable budget and having the discipline to use it, or getting a side hustle to make ends meet if needed is worthy of gratitude!

Freedom: Today, most of us have the freedom to make choices for our lives. Recognizing that you have options is definitely something to be grateful for.

Small Accomplishments: Acknowledging yourself for finishing something you have been putting off is an excellent way to appreciate yourself. Having follow-through may seem minor, but it is an act of taking care of and honoring your needs. Even small things like taking your vitamins every day stand to be listed!

The Little Things: Especially hard-pressed to think of something to be grateful for? How about electricity and clean running water at the flick of a switch or turn of a tap? These modern conveniences open up a world of possibilities. Sure, you could have lit a candle and gone outside to pump some water to do your nighttime facial regimen, but it is a heck of a lot easier with these niceties. If you need more guidance, check out gratitude list prompts, templates, and worksheets you can find online. You can start with I am grateful for…and it makes me feel…and see where it takes you. Including why you are grateful will have a more significant effect on you. You can also write a thank you note to yourself citing your positive qualities, recall a situation where a person did something kind for you, or an experience that transformed you. The possibilities are next to limitless.

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Please note: The contents of this blog post are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on

If you are in crisis or think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. If you're having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.

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