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Get Your Body Moving

Get Your Body Moving

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What better time to get your body moving than Move More Month? Movement is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle. We were not designed to be sedentary – Sit for a prolonged period and notice how stiff, tired, and unmotivated you feel. Need a little more incentive to get up and off the sofa? Stay with us to discover the benefits of moving your body and why movement is so important for wellness and longevity.

Why Movement is Important
There are numerous reasons why movement matters. Most of us grasp why movement of body parts is necessary for improving our physical strength and preventing immobility. As we move more, our hearts pump faster to increase blood flow, which carries oxygen and other vital nutrients to our organs and the rest of our body to support optimal functioning. Every step you take helps carry blood back to your heart for a perfect, healthy cycle. What happens when you do not move enough? Your body’s musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems suffer while moods plummet. Blood flow slows, increasing your risk of developing heart disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. It also contributes to depression and anxiety. Despite knowing this, many people still struggle to get moving. Here are a few advantages of being physically active and the benefits of moving more and sitting less to encourage you to get and stay in motion:

  • Physical fitness – Exercise is the best way to strengthen bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons for better coordination, reflexes, mobility, flexibility, and joint health. Cardiovascular exercise, such as hiking, biking, or running, improves heart and lung health, increasing blood flow and building stamina.
  • Reduced disease risk – Movement helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers by helping do the following:
    • Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
    • Boost metabolism and calories burned, facilitating weight management
    • Increases endurance as continued use of your body makes it easier to keep moving
  • Increased energy – Feel too tired to exercise? Lack of movement may be the cause! It seems counterintuitive, but pushing past fatigue and getting moving can increase energy! Exertion triggers mitochondria production within your muscles, oxygenates and fuels your tissues, helps your heart and lungs work better, and promotes efficient energy use. Movement also activates production of energizing hormones. Allow 1-2 weeks to experience this energy surge.
  • Reduced stress – How does movement help with stress? Aerobic exercise like running increases the production of feel-good neurotransmitters (endorphins) while reducing stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). It also provides an excellent outlet for stress relief. But give it time, as it may take a few months to help get anxiety under control.
  • Better mental health – The benefits of movement on mental health are far-reaching. Exercise helps decrease anxiety and mild depression while boosting self-confidence as you take charge of your body and life. More relaxing exercise like yoga, tai chi, mindful stretching, and walking serve as moving meditation - improving overall mental health. Additional benefits of moving meditation include less anxiety, improved emotional and cognitive health, and better sleep quality for optimal control over your feelings, inner peace, and focus.

When you are mentally balanced, you might be more inspired to accomplish your goals and dreams. Maybe you want to get a degree or take up a new hobby. The benefits of movement in learning how to master that knowledge or tackle the intricacies of a foreign skill set will definitely pay off! People who incorporate movement into their daily lives experience positive transformations in their mind, body, and spirit. Once you take action, you will have better confidence in your ability to make positive changes! And the more consistent your efforts, the greater all of these benefits!

How to Get Moving
Dismiss common myths and misconceptions about exercise. Getting moving does not require long, arduous workouts or runs to experience results! In fact, studies show that adopting a more balanced and sustainable approach to movement works better in the long run. If you have not pried yourself off the sofa in a while, here are some tips to make your new action-packed plan easier:

  • Think outside that gym-shaped box. Try jogging, gardening, bike riding, swimming, dancing, and walking instead.
  • Avoid hard-to-manage large blocks of time. Aim for thirty minutes, or break it up into a couple of fifteen-minute sweat sessions—whatever works best for you! (Exercise does not have to happen for a solid hour to experience the positive effects.)
  • Make it mindful. As you move, try clearing your mind, focusing on your breath, or paying attention to the feelings, sights, sounds, and smells to reap the benefits of movement meditation. Focus on the positives, resist the urge to complain, and be patient with yourself and your progress.
  • Make it fun and social. Finding activities that you genuinely enjoy can increase your likelihood of moving more. Find your movement community by joining a group exercise class, finding a workout buddy, or participating in fitness challenges to make the process more enjoyable and sociable.
  • Remember to rest and recover! Stretching, hydration, and sleep are just as important as physical activity. Incorporate these habits for a well-rounded wellness routine.

Take Movement Breaks
Take a cue from what every elementary teacher knows about the benefits of movement breaks in the classroom - our bodies and brains need a break from whatever we are working on to stay interested and productive! Studies show that movement increases the amount of blood flowing to your brain, improving focus, efficiency, motivation, and learning ability. If you often get a mid-afternoon slump or brain fog and panic that you have not completed a project or task, you can proactively take advantage of the benefits of movement breaks at work! Do not listen to that voice that says you do not have time for a break! Instead of hitting the vending machine or grabbing a coffee, consider incorporating daily movement breaks into your schedule to recharge your batteries. Here are some examples of movement breaks to help enhance the quality of your day:

  • Stretch
  • Take a short walk
  • Do some jumping jacks
  • Practice a few yoga poses
  • Dance to your favorite tunes
  • Run in place
  • Walk up and down the stairs a few times

Once you experience the benefits of movement breaks, you will wonder why you did not try them sooner!
Multi-Tasking Movement Ideas
The urge to skip movement in favor of getting stuff done is tempting. But what if you can do both? For those who think they do not have time to get in their steps because their to-do list is a mile long, here are some creative ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine while tackling your to-do list:

  • Make your chores count! For example, try the “fold and walk.” Rather than standing still while you fold the laundry, fold as you walk, of course, while looking where you are stepping, putting away each item as you do. Return to the pile and repeat. You can do this with cooking and many other household chores, too. Put some music on to make it enjoyable, and before you know it, your house will be spotless, your legs stronger, and your mood happy!
  • Walk and talk. Instead of lunch dates, make walking dates with friends. You can get caught up on what is new in their lives while renewing your commitment to your health.
  • Scroll and bike. Cannot miss out on what is going on in your social media feed? Instead of being stationary while you scroll, get on a stationary bike to get more daily movement.
  • Skip the elevator. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park the car. Try cycling or walking to run errands when the weather permits. Or park further away from the store or building entrance when you drive.
  • Choose active hobbies. Knitting, reading, and making jewelry are great, but try your hand at active hobbies like martial arts or yoga.

Set Goals and Track Progress
Setting small, achievable goals, whether it is a certain number of steps per day or completing a specific workout routine to help “move the needle.” Many people find that fitness apps, meditation apps, and other wearable devices help track their progress and provide motivation. Getting a trainer or changing the time you decide to work out can also help keep you accountable with your follow-through. If you told yourself a year ago that you did not need these “crutches” yet still have not made movement a habit, it is time to make a change.

Complement Your Efforts
Caring for the skin on your body is a fabulous complement to your renewed commitment to movement. Up your body game with these game-changers:

  • Envelop your senses in relaxing aromatherapy and moisturizing natural skin care ingredients found in the Anti-Stress Bath & Shower Gel, Silky Skin Body Scrub, Preserve Body Moisturizer, and Dry Oil Body Moisturizer. 
  • Rescue overworked muscles and achy joints by giving yourself an at-home massage with the Micro-Emulsified Massage Oil “Anti-Stress”, Tension Relief Gel,  and Marine Magnesium.
  • Reduce signs of cellulite, sun damage, and aging with the Stem Cells Phyto-Elite® Intensive Body Corrector, featuring plant based Stem Cells, Green Coffee, Shea Butter, and Pea Protein.
  • Repair skin that has lost its taut, luminous youthfulness with the Lumafirm® Body Moisturizer – Firm & Glow or Crepe-No-More Body Cream.

Professional massage and body treatments are another fabulous way to care for your new, active physique. Here is the ultimate booking suggestion to enhance your new movement agenda:

  • Start with an exfoliating Full Body Polish Treatment, Silky Skin Seaweed Body Scrub Treatment, or Saltmousse-Glow Full Body Exfoliating Treatment for a skin-renewing escape.
  • Next, soothe sore muscles and banish discomfort with an Enhanced Relaxing Massage with Magnesium.
  • Wrap it up! Pevonia offers an extensive collection of rejuvenating professional body wraps to appeal to everyone’s body concerns and preferences. Unsure what wrap to choose? Here is a cheat sheet to discover the best one for you!
  • Need to relax? Our BodyRenew Bathing Pleasures Body Experiences - Jasmine & Lavender Pure Splendor soothes away stress and boosts circulation for the perfect decompressing, rejuvenating escape.
  • Overdid it?  The Desert Heat Copper Body Wrap Treatment is rich in Magnesium and Zinc minerals, relieves joint and muscle discomfort, promotes repair and balance, and induces a true sense of relaxation, health, and wellness.
  • Want to detox and smooth the look of cellulite? The Stem Cells Phyto-Elite® Intensive Body Contouring Wrap and Hydra-Sea Seaweed Wrap Treatment with Green Coffee are proven effective for diminishing dimples by expelling toxins and breaking up fatty deposits, smoothing spongy, puffy-looking skin.
  • Does your body’s skin look loose, crepey, or dull? The Crepe-No-More Body Wrap Treatment - No Rinse with smoothing Longan Fruit Seed and Marine Collagen, and moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid, and the Lumafirm® Body Firm & Glow Treatment are ideal solutions that leave the skin rejuvenated and luminous.
  • Got wrinkled, aging skin on your body? The Tropicale De-Aging Body Wraps - Papaya-Pineapple Crème Fraîche Body Wrap Treatment and Tropicale De-Aging Body Wraps - De-Aging Yogurt Body Wrap Treatment are a few more body-loving options.

Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? VisitFind A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia and an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and professional Pevonia treatments.

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