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Skincare Myths

How to Avoid Freaky Friday Envy This Friday the 13th

How to Avoid Freaky Friday Envy This Friday the 13th

10/13/2023 12:00pm Health & Wellness | Skincare Myths | Tips & Trends

As Halloween approaches, a slew of superstitions abound especially when Friday the 13th falls in October! Some people believe that avoiding black cats, crossroads, ladders, and going out on Halloween will help them avoid bad luck and evil spirits,... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

10/12/2023 12:00pm Ask The Esty | Health & Wellness | Skincare Myths

Q: Is cheese or dairy really bad for acne?A: With it being American Cheese Month, we are getting this question quite a lot! As a dairy lover, I had hoped this was an urban myth but deferred to scientific studies to get the facts. The American Academy... more »

The Many Faces of Self Care

The Many Faces of Self Care

09/15/2023 9:53am Body Care | Lifestyle | Skincare Myths

We hear a lot about self-care these days, with it becoming a more commonly accepted and encouraged practice. Fortunately, as awareness about how vital it is to care for ourselves increases, self-care for mental health and physical health is here to... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

09/09/2023 9:00am Ask The Esty | Health & Wellness | Skincare Myths

Q: Can I use retinol on my body?A: Retinol is one of the best de-aging ingredients to help restore the skin to its healthy, youthful glow. Retinol reduces lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation while helping assist in the healing processes of skin... more »

Sunscreen Myths, Facts & Best Practices for Healthy Skin

Sunscreen Myths, Facts & Best Practices for Healthy Skin

09/08/2023 8:35am Health & Wellness | Skincare Myths | Sun Care & Protection

Sunscreen myths may be all the excuses you need to skip applying sunscreen. However, forgoing protecting your skin due to misinformation could leave you vulnerable to sun damage and skin cancer. We want to dispel these myths and share best practices for... more »

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