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Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

07/23/2024 7:15am Ask The Esty | Body Care | Multitasking Products

Q:  My feet are a mess, and I am embarrassed to wear sandals this summer. What is the best thing to do for rough, dry feet and cracked heels?A: Nearly everyone has skin issues on their feet, so there is no reason to feel embarrassed. But let me... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

07/05/2024 10:00am Ask The Esty | Ingredient Glossary | Science Backed Skincare

Q: Should I use Hyaluronic Acid? Are all Hyaluronic Acids the same? A: Whether to use Hyaluronic Acid or not, the answer is 100% yes! This exceedingly popular active is recognized as one of the most effective skin care ingredients on the market for... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

06/07/2024 2:10pm Ask The Esty | Beauty Tools | Body Care

Q: What should I do to help a piercing heal faster?A: Great timing with International Body Piercing Day being this month! Piercings provide a way to adorn yourself and express your personal style. However, you slice it (or pierce it), piercing still... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

05/11/2024 7:30am Ask The Esty | Body Care | Ingredient Glossary

Q: I’ve been seeing caffeine in skincare and haircare lately. Does caffeine help your skin? And does caffeine help with hair loss?A: Caffeine is not just for your morning cup of coffee; it has other unique properties that warrant this new buzz.... more »

Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

04/13/2024 6:05am Ask The Esty | Body Care | Skin Conditions

Q: Are seed oils really bad for you? Do seed oils cause inflammation in the body and skin?A: Seed oils are the latest nutritional scapegoat blamed for causing today’s diseases. While previously thought healthy, they are now on some people’s... more »

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