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Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

07/22/2024 12:05pm Ask The Doctor | Science Backed Skincare | Skincare Myths

Q: Does my skin breathe? Can you explain how and why or why not? A: Does the skin breathe? Although skin doesn't technically breathe, an action that requires lungs or gills, it plays a vital role in gas exchange and requires oxygen to maintain skin... more »

Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

07/05/2024 8:24am Ask The Doctor | Body Care | Sun Care & Protection

Q: What is our exposome, and how does it affect the process of skin aging and diseases?A: The study of exposomes is an emerging field. How do you define exposomes? According to the CDC, exposomes are the measure of an individual’s exposure to... more »

Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

06/07/2024 10:42am Ask The Doctor | Ingredient Glossary | Science Backed Skincare

Q: Do collagen-boosting habits really help boost collagen in your face?A: Excellent question! With the many collagen-boosting measures promising to boost facial collagen, including collagen-boosting foods, dietary supplements, collagen skin care,... more »

Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

05/11/2024 8:05am Ask The Doctor | Body Care | Health & Wellness

Q: What do dermatologists say about red light therapy, and what are the best types of red light therapy devices? A: Dermatologists generally have positive views on red light therapy benefits for certain skin conditions. Not to be confused with UV and... more »

Ask The Doctor

Ask The Doctor

04/13/2024 9:00am Ask The Doctor | Science Backed Skincare | Skin Conditions

Q: What is microinfusion? Are at home microinfusion devices safe?A: This is an excellent question since these devices have been popping up all over social media. Microinfusion is a superficial skincare treatment that utilizes tiny needles and a... more »

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