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Benefits of a Digital Detox for Wellness & Better Skin

Benefits of a Digital Detox for Wellness & Better Skin

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There’s probably nothing that tech can’t do. The benefits of a digital workplace alone, from expediting our productivity and workflow to enabling us to work remotely, have freed us up in so many ways. Our digital world helps us stay “connected” quickly and efficiently - we can find out what’s going on in the world and the lives of people we care about or check out the latest trends at the click of a button. But does it really benefit us? The very technology that has given us many freedoms has tethered us to our devices, whether we want to admit it or not. Tech use can become a compulsion, get in the way of human interaction, and cause us to isolate, becoming digital hermits. When was the last time you disconnected from your devices for a full day? If giving up gadgets gives you the willies, a digital detox may be in order.

What Is a Digital Detox?
A digital detox is a restorative process wherein you literally and figuratively unplug from devices for a set time period. This voluntary separation between you and your electronics involves intentionally setting aside smartphones, tablets, computers, and even televisions. There are different types and degrees of digital detoxes, with each person choosing the ideal methods for them. Don't worry, you don't have to quit cold turkey or break up with your phone for good.

How Technology Can Harm Our Health
You might want to consider a digital detox for several health reasons. Some scientists indicate that our brains are not equipped to handle tech and that it overloads our senses, causing us to figuratively drown in information overload. Here’s what experts are saying about the effects of too much time spent online:

  • Tech and Mental Health:
    • Negatively affects brain health, concentration, function, and working memory
    • Impairs sleep quality as staring at screens before bedtime keeps our brains active, delaying the release of melatonin, which signals your brain it’s time to rest
    • Causes low self-esteem and self-image problems and FOMO (fear of missing out) syndrome
    • Triggers anxiety, depression, and loneliness
    • Releases dopamine, creating a cycle of addiction – nearly 61% of people confess they are addicted to their screens and the internet!
    • Isolation and disconnection from reality
  • Tech and Physical Health
    • Limits movement and exercise, leading to unhealthy eating habits and contributing to weight gain - mobile tech? Not so much!
    • Causes tech neck, a postural neck and back issue from tilting or angling our heads as we look down at our devices, reported to put 60 lbs. of pressure on our necks
    • Creates tech neck-induced lines and wrinkles from constantly looking down at handheld devices
    • Hand, wrist, and thumb pain occurs due to tapping and swiping for hours on end
    • Leads to blurry vision, teary eyes, dry eyes, and eye strain

Technology and Brain Health
Excess technology use can adversely affect brain health, as demonstrated by measurable cognitive changes. Studies show excessive use of tech from an early age hampers children’s learning abilities and brain development. Scientists have found that passively streaming and scrolling increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, proving that limits and regular breaks are definitely needed for better mental health. Scientists have theorized that there is a phenomenon called “digital dementia” – a byproduct of us not utilizing our brains to remember important facts. Challenges recalling words, multitasking, forgetting or losing things, and issues with short-term memory are signs you need to put tech in a deep freeze to get your brain synapses firing! You may not have to remember your partner’s phone number or the name of that actor from your favorite show but forcing ourselves to recall things the “old-fashioned” way can help keep neural pathways healthier and save brain health. Plus, the blue light emitted from screens and the stimulation from the onslaught of data and images hinder our brain’s ability to slow down and turn off for deep rest. As our brains recharge while we sleep, the cumulative effect of both can have significant consequences.

Benefits of Unplugging From Technology
We set boundaries with people to be healthier, so why not set a boundary with our relationship with our tech? Here are just a few of the benefits of unplugging from electronics, indicating that everyone can benefit from a digital detox now and then. Brain benefits of unplugging:

  • Enhanced mental clarity and concentration
  • Better mental health with less depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Better self-esteem and self-image
  • Fewer headaches
  • Reduced risk of dementia

Additional benefits of unplugging:

  • Supports healthier connections and stronger relationships - While detoxing, focus on looking into people’s eyes and listening with your undivided attention. Notice body language and tone of in-person communication and the clearer, richer, and more rewarding exchanges.
  • Enables us to take time back, giving us the freedom to:
    • Relax and be present and aware of our surroundings
    • Be more productive overall
    • Pursue hobbies and creative projects
    • Achieve better physical health through exercise and cooking healthy meals
    • Encourages us to re-discover other activities
  • Helps regain better eye health
  • Gives your neck, back, hands, and wrists a rest

Should You Do a Digital Detox?
Be honest about your devices' roles in your life and if you may be experiencing some drawbacks.  So, how do you know if your relationship with tech has become unhealthy? Ask yourself these questions to examine why you use your phone, get a handle on your usage, and determine if screens are keeping you from living life to the fullest:

Question 1: Has the tech that promised to save you time become a “time-suck,” causing you to waste countless hours scrolling mindlessly?
Question 2: Has it gotten in the way of you pursuing other interests?
Question 3: Has it compromised your ability to function?
Question 4: Do you think it has affected your time management?
Question 5: Does it interfere with your relationships?
Question 6: Do scenarios where you must leave tech behind feel like torture?
Question 7: Have you become a watcher rather than a doer?
Question 8: Do you use tech to escape, procrastinate, or entertain yourself?
Question 9: Do you feel you will miss out on something if you don’t log in?
Question 10: Do you feel worse about yourself or anxious when you scroll?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, that is a clue that you could benefit from a digital detox. If you aren’t sure, ask your friends and loved ones for their “take” on your tech relationship. Remember, watching is not doing, and to live fully, we must be doers, too!

How to Do a Digital Detox:
There are several ways to do a digital detox, depending on the nature of your relationship with tech. Tech junkies, people who are seriously addicted to technology, will need complete abstinence to break the cycle and may experience withdrawal symptoms when separated from their tech. As anxiety, irritability, boredom, fatigue, insomnia, and mood swings, similar to withdrawal from other forms of addiction, may occur, speak to a therapist or doctor for guidance. For the rest of us, here are tips to detox from social media, the internet, and other digital tech to scroll less and live more fully:

  • Embrace digital minimalism - Decide how this will work for you. You can start by setting your phone aside during meals, outings with friends, or enjoying nature. Or commit to stepping away from the screens a few hours every day, permitting yourself to check it at a specific time for 15 to 30 minutes max.
  • Be bold and try unplugging for an entire day to take advantage of the proven focus, awareness, and productivity that 24 tech-free hours can deliver.
  • For a longer digital detox, consider visiting a dark sky park for several days.
  • Out of sight, out of mind - To help you stay off devices, place them in another room.
  • Remove unnecessary apps and turn off intrusive notifications and alerts that repeatedly invite you to engage.
  • Try the “do not disturb” feature on your phone to silence “pings” and other alerts.
  • Take a break from social media and reconnect with friends face-to-face.
  • Avoid optional personal tech when possible.
  • Limit the amount of time spent online with the help of apps that track or limit how many hours you are logging on your phone.
  • Replace your online habit with offline activities like going outdoors, exercising, learning a new skill, trying out a hobby, and playing board games.
  • Power down devices one to two hours before bedtime to encourage better sleep.
  • Tell your friends and followers that you plan to reduce social media usage in lieu of real life interaction so they won’t wonder where you have gone and you won’t be tempted to log back in.
  • Replace nighttime scrolling with reading, journaling, meditating, and taking a relaxing natural bubble bath. A couple of nights a week, you can give yourself a rejuvenating facial with the Pevonia peeling cream and preferred clean skincare mask.
  • Visiting a spa is another activity that is conducive to a digital detox.

Be Smart Tech Safe
Engage in safe tech use by using blue light protection filters on your devices to shield your face and eyes from this damaging light. While you are at it, remember to apply sunscreen with blue light protection daily to your face, neck, chest, and back of hands to shield your skin against damaging blue light emitted from electronics. Wear glasses with blue light protection to protect eye health and comfort. With no screen between you and another person, you’ll recognize that there is no substitute for in-person communication that has the power to overcome the loneliness epidemic. Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? VisitFind A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia to boost skin health with an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and Customizable in-spa treatments. Remember to turn your phone off and relax!

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