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Ask The Esty

Ask The Esty

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Q: Are skincare tools fluff, or do they really make a difference for the skin?

A: With daily bombardment by ads about new beauty tools and accessories, it is natural to feel skeptical about whether the “Life-changing beauty tools every woman needs” are everything they appear to be. As an esthetician, I recommend seeing a professional who utilizes professional-grade esthetics equipment over at-home devices for next-level results. But, since most people only get facials once a month, taking care of your skin in between makes sense. So, to help you prolong your professional results, here is some information about the technologies used in the most popular tools to help you avoid sifting through articles and videos about which work, which do not, and which are worth your hard-earned money.

  • Facial Massage Rollers: Despite the lack of scientific studies surrounding facial rollers and their ability to help tighten skin and diminish firmly entrenched wrinkles, at-home facial massage rolling done properly can relax facial muscles, boost circulation, and aid lymphatic drainage, clearing out puffiness due to fluid buildup and improving radiance.

I recommend using a face oil with your clean roller (after cleansing and toning the skin, of course!) to let the aromatherapy essential oils soothe your senses and facilitate glide. Cooling stainless steel facial rollers can also be helpful for hygienic serum application, optimal product penetration, and ideal for those who tend to be heavy-handed. A double-pronged y-shaped sculpting roller can help contour the jawline and cheekbones. Chilling your roller before use can cool rosacea-prone skin and reduce inflammation at the root of most skin disorders. In addition, the various types of jade and quartz stones imbued with “metaphysical healing properties” are found to improve well-being.

  • Microneedling Rollers – These facial rollers are covered in tiny needles to micro-wound the skin, signaling the body to produce more collagen to fill in the holes, creating smoother, tighter, more youthful-looking skin. Those prone to cold sores should avoid microneedling or take at least 500 mgs. of the amino acid lysine before and after treatment.
  • At-home Microdermabrasion Devices – These exfoliating tools use crystal particles or diamond-encrusted tips combined with suction to remove dead skin cells, canceling out dullness and roughness. Just do not overdo it (once a week, max, please!)

Prone to rosacea, sensitivity, or actively breaking out? Avoid these tools, as the grit and suction can cause irritation, inflammation, flare-ups, and dilated capillaries. Those with this thin skin should proceed with great care, as many of these devices may damage the skin. Always be progressive, not aggressive! Stick to a gentle exfoliating cleanser or Pevonia’s Enzymo Sphérides Peeling Cream instead. The high-tech tools electro-therapy devices you really want to know about:

  • LED Light Therapy – Not to be confused with harmful UV light, LED lights use low-level light in various wavelengths that have several benefits for the skin. Anti-inflammatory red light is found to minimize fine lines and wrinkles and aid hair loss, while blue light is used to kill bacteria and treat acne. Just allow four to five weeks to see results as they are cumulative, not instantaneous. Note: Excess blue light is tied to hyperpigmentation and should be reserved for more significant acne cases.
  • Microcurrent Devices – While professional microcurrent treatments use an alternating current to stimulate ATP and muscles that have become “out of shape,” at-home microcurrent devices may not pack enough of a wallop to tone and lift your cheeks enough to restore youthful volume. (Professional equipment has about two times the microamps, to give you an idea).

Note: If you have cancer, electrical implants, heart disease, or are pregnant, microcurrent is not recommended. Stronger still are professional EMS devices, which provide more intense electro-muscle stimulation that is often too strong for foreheads, better for the lower half of the face to sculpt jowls and cheeks. In case of doubt, always consult a Physician.

  • High Frequency – This technology is phenomenally effective for preventing and treating a variety of bacteria, such as acne. However, here again, most at-home devices aren’t strong enough to deliver the skin-clearing effects.
  • Galvanic Current – This direct current is used in professional skincare to penetrate water-based products as deep as the basal layer of the skin. However, most at-home devices do not have the strength and variety of wavelengths available in professional machines.
  • Radio Frequency – Unlike professional Ultherapy or Thermage that require numbing cream, at-home RF devices utilize lower levels of heat to deliver skin tightening, wrinkle-smoothing results. It requires consistent use every other day for ten minutes to achieve results; however, always be aware of the possibility of fat disruption to your face.
  • Ultrasonic Cleansing - Like ultrasonic toothbrushes, ultrasonic cleansing tools offer deeper cleansing than manual cleansing alone, ideal for those prone to clogged pores or who wear a lot of makeup or sunscreen. Sensitive skin types need to avoid pressing the device into the skin, allowing the device to do the cleansing.

Pro Tip: Follow the manufacturer's instructions to sanitize your tools or wash your devices with anti-bacterial soap and allow them to dry completely before re-use. And while using your device be mindful that you are also practicing self-care, improving your peace of mind and skin simultaneously.

Q: What do you recommend for keeping skin looking and feeling hydrated in the Fall?

A: Change up your routine with everything your skin needs now to weather the Fall season.

  • Cleansing: Preserve your moisture now before winter sets in by switching to a sulfate free milk cleanser with non-comedogenic lipids to keep skin dewy and radiant. Now is also a great time to try an oil-based face cleanser to prevent the dehydrating effects of fall and winter weather.
  • Toning: Quench skin on a deeper level with a superb moisturizing skin mist and toner-in-one you can spritz whenever your skin feels parched. For fine lines, upgrade to our Hydrating Toner for a collagen boost. Make sure to avoid drying alcohol-based formulas, notorious for their hydration-sapping effects.
  • Moisture-infusion: When choosing a face serum, select one that is specially formulated to penetrate to the deepest layers, such as the fragmentation technology used in the Hyaluronic Acid Hydra-Serum.
  • Moisturizing: Layer on a moisturizing cream with Squalane and other natural skin care oils to fortify your skin barrier. Extra dry skin will welcome a richer skin care cream, but if your skin turns pink when temps cool, use a gentle moisturizer with calming ingredients to quell redness and irritation.
  • Protecting: Keep shielding your skin from UV rays with a broader spectrum sunscreen formula with blue light protection to counteract the extra screen time during the fall months spent indoors in front of screens and tablets.
  • Weekly Care: Use a gentle exfoliating cleanser to sweep away dead skin cells, as this enables serums and moisturizers to work their magic that much better. (In general, I recommend that drier, thinner skin types exfoliate once a week, while thicker, oilier skin types may exfoliate up to three times per week) but slow down if there are any signs of sensitization. For the best results, follow with a moisturizing Collagen face mask.

Pro Tip: Schedule regular professional facial treatments for an intensive moisture infusion and fine-tuning your routine to keep your skin dewy and luminous well into Winter. Pair this fall regimen with drinking plenty of water, eating foods rich in healthy fats (avocados, nuts, and fatty fish), consuming less caffeine and alcohol, and taking shorter, cooler showers. Keep it interesting by drinking hot water with lemon and honey and snacking on water-rich fruits and vegetables, like melons, berries, peppers, and cucumbers. Lastly, invest in a humidifier to keep indoor air comfortable and skin hydrated.

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