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Adult Skin Problems & The Best Ingredient Solutions

Adult Skin Problems & The Best Ingredient Solutions

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Have you awakened to a strange spot and you’re sure it wasn't there before? You aren't losing your mind! Our skin changes in numerous ways as our timeline advances past the midway mark. Adults can develop new sensitivities or chronic skin conditions that can be puzzling. Now that your kiddos are back in school or “launched” on the next chapter of their lives, you can shift the focus more completely to yourself again. That rash, breakout, redness, or constant itch that you’ve ignored won’t wait a second longer! So, get ready for some schooling of your own to get acquainted with these common adult skin problems and the best ingredients for adult skin concerns to see if you need a new routine or should schedule a trip to the spa or dermatologist’s office!

Common Cosmetic Skin Concerns for Adults

Acne, actinic keratoses, dark circles, puffiness, dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, Pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, rosacea, and wrinkles aren’t life-threatening but sure can be annoying. Explore these adult skin disorders and find the ideal adult skin care routine and ingredients to keep them in check.

Adult Acne – Breakouts past your 20s? Yes, adults get acne too! What is adult acne? Adult acne is one of the most common and problematic adult skin concerns. This acne usually results from hormonal imbalances due to menstrual cycles, polycystic ovary syndrome, perimenopause, and menopause, and primarily affects women aged 25 to 58. Adult acne on cheeks, chins, and jawlines occurs when testosterone and estrogen fluctuations promote excess oil production, clogging pores and triggering papules and pustules to form. The best ingredients for adult acne breakouts are Chamomile, Kaolin Clay, and Bentonite Clay. Chamomile soothes the redness and irritation that often occurs due to estrogen loss, while the Clays gently slough off dead skin cells and absorb and control excess oil. Pevonia’s ProCorrective® Clear-Control Exfoliator and ProCorrective® Clear-Control Mask are ideal adult acne skin care choices, helping ensure pores stay clear of pore-clogging debris without the drying effects and rebound oil production commonly seen with harsh acne products. However, if the acne doesn’t subside with two to three months of consistent use, seeing a physician for prescription medications may be helpful.

Actinic Keratosis  – These scaly, rough patches, also known as solar keratoses, found on the ears, face, lips, forearms, neck, scalp, and the back of the hands are caused by chronic sun exposure first show up around age 40. Although potentially hardening and appearing wart-like, they turn into squamous cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer, only 5-10% of the time. To help prevent these “barnacles.” practice sun safety with a sunscreen featuring reef safe sunscreen ingredients to protect your skin and the planet!

Dark Circles – Those dark shadows beneath and around the eye that may appear reddish, bluish, or brown become more apparent as we age. Thinning skin, fat, and Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid loss make the skin more translucent, allowing the vessels and accumulated iron oxides beneath more obvious. Dehydration also causes the eye contour to appear darker, while cumulative sun exposure produces more pigment. Stress and sleep issues affecting most adults can also contribute to paleness, making the blood beneath more apparent. What ingredients are good for dark circles? Moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid combined with decongesting and circulation-enhancing Ginkgo Biloba and Collagen-boosting Vitamin C are ideal in a natural eye cream for dark circles. Dipeptide-2, Hesperidin, N-Hydroxysuccinimide, and Chrysin are highly effective for extra-dark circles that don’t want to budge. Together, they improve blood flow, break down the iron oxides, and clear away accumulated byproducts, making them essential in an eye cream for dark circles. Puffiness – Aging skin becomes looser and thinner, while poor circulation, fluid stagnation, and fat deposits may accumulate, making puffiness common in adulthood. Add in high salt intake, lack of sleep, or lack of exercise, and you have a perfect puffiness storm. What is the best ingredient for puffy eyes? To address all related factors, Gingko Biloba helps deflate puffiness and decongests, Vitamin C smooths, and Carrot Seed Oil prevents tissue degeneration – diminishing the appearance of bags and puffiness. Pro Tip:

  1. Reduce stress and get adequate sleep.
  2. Drink plenty of water to increase hydration.
  3. Become more active to increase circulation.

Hyperpigmentation – Various types of skin discoloration crop up in adulthood, ranging from well-defined dark spots and diffuse uneven skin tone to tough-to-treat melasma. The melanocytes responsible for making pigment (melanin) and protecting us from the sun decrease 10-20% each decade of adult life. When aging skin gets sun exposure, the remaining melanocytes over-compensate, resulting in age spots (a.k.a. liver spots) and uneven skin tone.

Melasma, also called chloasma, includes tan or brown patches fanning out from the nose to the forehead, cheeks, and chin. Also called the pregnancy mask, it happens in 50% of pregnant women. But men can get it, too! Vitamin C, Diacetyl Boldine, Retinol, Enzymes, and Glycolic Acid are the best ingredients for hyperpigmentation. They work collectively to inhibit the enzyme that produces unwanted pigment, normalize cell turnover, and slough away dulling dead skin cells, revealing luminous, glowing skin. And no matter the type, avoiding sunlight and faithfully using broad-spectrum sun protection is essential. If hyperpigmentation lingers, you may need to enlist a dermatologist’s aid for prescription creams or laser treatments.

Pityriasis rosea – One of the most common and harmless adult skin rash types, Pityriasis rosea starts with a pink, scaly patch and a raised border that may appear up to age 35. Within days to weeks, itching begins as the rash spreads. Interestingly, it can spread across your body in a Christmas tree shape. It is not deemed contagious, and its cause is unknown. However, it usually goes away without treatment in 6 to 8 weeks.

Psoriasis – This skin condition is found more in adults than in children. It appears as red, thick patches frosted with silvery, whitish scales on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. It tends to be recurring and requires doctor-prescribed creams, medications, or light therapy. While the precise cause is unknown, it occurs when the immune system triggers new skin cells to grow too rapidly.

Rosacea – This microcirculation disorder with flushing, redness, possible thickening, and bumps on the cheeks, nose, and chin usually appears in one’s 30s-50s. Aging and cumulative sun overexposure break down the structural components in the deeper layers of the skin. This weakens the capillary walls, causing permanently dilated, visible blood vessels and impairing skin nutrition, with a progressive effect. Rosacea is aggravated when naturally anti-inflammatory estrogen declines with menopause and hot flashes ensue, increasing redness and flushing.

Chamomile, French Rose, Green Tea, Licorice, Allantoin, Panthenol, and Guarana in Pevonia's RS2 Collection are the best skincare ingredients for redness and rosacea-prone skin . Control your rosacea flare ups with professional facial treatments and lifestyle modifications early, and you may be able to avoid seeing the doctor. Should it persist, topical or oral medications are available Extreme Dryness – Dry skin, also known as xerosis, exhibited by tightness, discomfort, itchiness, flakiness, and a red or dull appearance, worsens as we age. Even if you weren’t born with dry skin, the levels of Hyaluronic Acid in aging skin start declining, and changes in hormone levels (usually a drop in estrogen) reduce oil production, causing dryness. Extremely dry skin commonly affects older adults due to thinning of the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), which increases water loss, making skin barrier repair products crucial! The best skincare ingredients for dry skin include Safflower Oil, Squalane, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Shea Butter, and Hyaluronic Acid, which provide much-needed moisture to this “oil-free” skin type. Safflower Oil, a natural Ceramide moisturizer ingredient, safely and effectively prevents Transepidermal water loss and assists skin barrier repair while soothing Azulene, Chamomile, Green Tea, Cucumber, and Lavender Essential Oil help ease discomfort and provide dryness relief.

Seborrheic keratosis – These noncancerous growths often appear as we age on many areas of the skin, alone or in groups. They may be dark, multicolored, grainy, or smooth and waxy. They don't require treatment unless they become irritated, or you don’t like how they look. However, as they can be mistaken for moles or skin cancer, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to be sure!

Wrinkles – Wrinkles are undoubtedly one of the most common mature skin problems, as fine lines become more pronounced and creases form around the eyes, mouth, forehead, and eventually all over. What is the best natural ingredient for wrinkles? There isn’t just one. While you can’t turn back time or take back hours spent in the sun, the best ingredients for mature skin are science-backed Retinol, Caviar, wrinkle-relaxing Neuropeptides, and plant-based Stem Cells that stimulate, repair, revitalize, and smooth experienced skin. To help stave off wrinkles, Marine Collagen, Marine Elastin, and Hyaluronic Acid are essential for supporting the loss of these vital skin components.

Razor Rash + Shaving Bumps – As we age, the skin’s surface becomes dry and rough, making it challenging for razors to glide across. This causes redness, irritation, and bumps with burning, itching, or stinging on the neck, armpits, legs, and other delicate areas. A streaky appearance and swelling can also accompany it. Aloe Vera, Green Tea, Chamomile, Licorice, and Panthenol are the best ingredients for razor burn, rash, and bumps. These soothing, moisturizing ingredients take the sting out of shaving and promote skin repair!

A Vitamin E and Chamomile-infused shaving balm for sensitive skin will help razors glide more easily and facilitate smoother shaving. An Arnica and Ginkgo Biloba soothing after shave and moisturizing Panthenol and Collagen face balm will help avoid irritation. Should you experience a rash, Pevonia’s After Sun Soothing Gel and other skincare products with Green Tea will soothe, calm, and repair.

Pro Tips:

  1. Take a warm shower or steam with a warm towel before shaving.
  2. Use a gentle exfoliating cleanser pre-shave to remove dead skin and "lift" hairs.
  3. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  4. Finish with a cool water rinse before applying aftershave products.
  5. Change your blade regularly.

Eczema – This non-contagious condition with inflamed, red, dry, and itchy skin can occur with stress, exposure to allergens, or sensitivity to soaps and other irritants, and climate can also trigger flare-ups. Although eczema most commonly presents before age 5, adults can also get eczema that tends to appear in skin folds and on elbows and hands. If it doesn't go away with over-the-counter products, there are prescription medications to treat eczema. The best ingredients to calm eczema redness include Aloe, Glycerin, Hyaluronic Acid, Shea Butter, plant-based Ceramides, Niacinamide, Calendula, and Honey throughout the Pevonia range.

Medical Skin Conditions in Adults - Medical skin conditions in humans multiply as we age and are more than skin deep. Sure, they may be unsightly, but their origin and solutions are much more involved, requiring treatment by a medical professional. Skin cancer, cellulitis, shingles, purpura, seborrheic dermatitis, and onychomycosis are significant skin issues affecting adults.

Skin Cancer – Age is a predominant risk factor for all types of cancer, with 20% of Americans estimated to develop skin cancer by the age of 70. And this potentially fatal skin concern is now affecting younger adults as well! Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with blue light protection daily, and check out our blogs on skin cancer awareness and this rising epidemic to ensure you are informed and doing everything you can to stay healthy.

Cellulitis – Cellulitis is a bacterial infection involving red, swollen, hot, and tender skin, which may be accompanied by blisters, fever, chills, swollen glands, and malaise. While cellulitis can happen to anyone, it is commonly seen in middle-aged and older adults, with a higher incidence among males. As the circulation of the hands, arms, legs, and feet may become poor and immune systems can weaken in the elderly, this may explain why older adults experience this problem. It can be caused by cuts, burns, fractures, or scrapes, or in those with other skin or medical conditions and is treated with antibiotics.

Shingles – This viral infection involves a painful, but non-life threatening, rash with raised, dot-like blisters that itch, burn, and tingle, typically around the sides of the torso and buttocks. It can also appear around the eyes or on one side of the face or neck. The risk of getting shingles (herpes zoster), the same virus that causes chickenpox, increases with age, predominantly affecting people aged 50 and up. Unfortunately, there is no cure for shingles; there is a vaccine to help prevent it and reduce its severity, or your doctor can prescribe steroid creams or antiviral drugs should you develop it.

Purpura – Bruising is often seen on the arms or legs of elderly people due to small blood vessels leaking beneath the skin is one of the most visible and common aging skin conditions. It occurs due to thinning skin, trauma, Vitamin K deficiency, blood thinners, and other medications. To help prevent it, use products with Marine Collagen, Retinol, Shea Butter, Cacao Extract, and Hyaluronic Acid. A diet rich in protein, Vitamin C, hydrating fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water is equally essential to support skin density.

Seborrheic dermatitis – This scaly rash that can first appear in young adulthood or after age 50 is a chronic condition tied to stress, hormonal changes, detergents, medications, and conditions like eating disorders, epilepsy, HIV, Parkinson's disease, psoriasis, and alcoholism. As it is also linked to skin conditions like acne and rosacea, products with ingredients for acne-prone skin and rosacea-prone skin can help minimize it. Actives in the ProCorrective® Clear-Control Collection with antiseptic properties, like Zinc Peptides combined with Cinnamon and Thyme Extracts shown to inhibit 99% of the growth of bacteria and fungi, and Tea Tree can be beneficial. Calming botanicals like Mallow, Rosemary, and Camphor also help curb the redness and irritation. Should it continue, a doctor can prescribe steroid, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and immunosuppressive drugs.

Onychomycosis – While anyone is vulnerable to this fungal nail infection, onychomycosis often affects older adults, typically those over 60. It can be treated with topical or oral antifungal therapy as it does not resolve on its own. Keeping feet clean and toenails trimmed, wearing footwear always, especially in public areas, changing socks often, choosing well-fitting shoes, and using a foot cream with antiseptic Tea Tree Oil can help prevent fungal and bacteria growth. Want to maximize results for your healthiest skin ever? Boost skin health with an in-depth consultation for your ideal products and professional treatments. Pevonia’s ProCorrective® Clear-Control Blemished Skin Treatment, RS2 Rosacea Mask Treatment, Myoxy-Caviar® Mask Treatment, Plantomer Treatment, or De-Stress Eye Treatment address the most common adult skin concerns. Visit Find A Spa for an oasis near you offering Pevonia!

Pevonia ProCorrective Clear-Control Exfoliator
Pevonia RS2 Concentrate
Pevonia Timeless Balm Cleanser
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